Awesome. Dr. Paul is always very thoughtful and intelligent. The dude is very consistent on his positions, and Americans are realizing this:
I can’t stand Chris Matthew’s voice. He’s such a fucking blowhard. He keeps interrupting and interjecting so much that it’s really hard to understand what the point of the interview is.
I don’t know how anyone can go on that show and not want to smack him on the mouth to shut him up for 10 seconds so they could finish their point.
I like how he tried to hint that Ron Paul was part of this “insidious dastardly underbelly of the tea party movement that hates Obama because he’s black”.
Matthews is such a fucking prick. The whole MSNBC line-up are egocentric douchers.
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
I can’t stand Chris Matthew’s voice. He’s such a fucking blowhard. He keeps interrupting and interjecting so much that it’s really hard to understand what the point of the interview is.
I don’t know how anyone can go on that show and not want to smack him on the mouth to shut him up for 10 seconds so they could finish their point.
I like how he tried to hint that Ron Paul was part of this “insidious dastardly underbelly of the tea party movement that hates Obama because he’s black”.
Matthews is such a fucking prick. The whole MSNBC line-up are egocentric douchers.[/quote]
Yeah he def. interrupts too much, even when Ron Paul is trying to finalize his argument to sum up his ideas. However the show Morning Joe on MSNBC isn’t too bad.
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
I can’t stand Chris Matthew’s voice. He’s such a fucking blowhard. He keeps interrupting and interjecting so much that it’s really hard to understand what the point of the interview is.
I don’t know how anyone can go on that show and not want to smack him on the mouth to shut him up for 10 seconds so they could finish their point.
I like how he tried to hint that Ron Paul was part of this “insidious dastardly underbelly of the tea party movement that hates Obama because he’s black”.
Matthews is such a fucking prick. The whole MSNBC line-up are egocentric douchers.[/quote]
Yeah he def. interrupts too much, even when Ron Paul is trying to finalize his argument to sum up his ideas. However the show Morning Joe on MSNBC isn’t too bad.[/quote]
QFT. morning joe is the only show i watch on that channel. mika makes me happy. what a gilf.
I like Ron Paul more and more, every time I see him. I just hope his straight forwardness is enough to undo the ‘fundamental transformation’ this administration sold the public on, as being a genius idea.
I like some of his views, and USA needs more political diversity, which he provides. It seems to me he get easily disrupted and overrun in debates though.
[quote]espenl wrote:
I like some of his views, and USA needs more political diversity, which he provides. It seems to me he get easily disrupted and overrun in debates though.[/quote]
That is because cable Television news, especially opinion type shows, (Billo the Clown and Hannity, for example) are set up to give 4 or 5 minute segments of “dialogue” from the hosts and guests. Short, quick responses devoid of any substance that can’t really be challenged.
That way the viewer has opinions formed for them, or are given to them. Not much thinking is needed because, well, Hannity just told you that Obama is a socialist and that gay marriage will end the U.S as we know it.
Generally speaking, the Ron Paul types don’t fit this format because they actually discuss issues and often times provide answers that don’t fit what the talking heads normally say.
Your best bet is to avoid cable news altogether.