Has anyone seen this?!
I’m trying to request it in my area on the website. It says that it’s going to have a nation-wide release.
Anyone else pumped about this extremely low-budget horror movie?
Has anyone seen this?!
I’m trying to request it in my area on the website. It says that it’s going to have a nation-wide release.
Anyone else pumped about this extremely low-budget horror movie?
Looks alright from the previews. Looks like something you’d have to see to make a decent judgement on it though.
That being said, I wanna see it.
[quote]SSC wrote:
Has anyone seen this?!
I’m trying to request it in my area on the website. It says that it’s going to have a nation-wide release.
Anyone else pumped about this extremely low-budget horror movie?[/quote]
There was a midnight showing this past Thursday here in Toronto. I planned to go see it but got caught up at work. Here’s a review. No spoilers, as far as I can tell:
The reviewer says it’s a homage to the Blair Witch Project, including the ultra-shaky camera work. Allegedly made for $15,000, now Dreamworks is pumping millions into a very canny “underground” marketing campaign.
[quote]Rattler wrote:
Looks alright from the previews. Looks like something you’d have to see to make a decent judgement on it though.
That being said, I wanna see it.[/quote]
A few friends of mine who’s judgment I trust have said it’s great, the scariest movie they’ve seen in many years.
I hope to see it soon.
FUCK YEH!!! i cant wait till this comes to a theater close enough to me to see it, this and shutter island, this seems to be a great fall for movies
I also read in a review somewhere that it is UNLIKE the Blair Witch Project in the fact that you do actually get to see stuff in the movie, not just let the mind play games on you.
Blair witch was fucking terrible. I posted my thoughts and expriences with that in the other thread. This looks pretty cool though and I hit the website a couple of weeks ago to petition for it coming here.
Saw it, loved it. Not going to post any spoilers. If you’re a horror fan it is definitely worth seeing.
I get a kick out of the fact that a guy with a camera and 15 grand can make something more effective than Michael Bay and 200 million dollars.
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Saw it, loved it. Not going to post any spoilers. If you’re a horror fan it is definitely worth seeing.
I get a kick out of the fact that a guy with a camera and 15 grand can make something more effective than Michael Bay and 200 million dollars.[/quote]
Did you enjoy the Blair Witch, and do you see any similarities? I’m trying to go see this with an open mind but my disdain for the BWP might not let that happen…
Saw it shrooming: A great and horrible decision in one.
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Did you enjoy the Blair Witch, and do you see any similarities? I’m trying to go see this with an open mind but my disdain for the BWP might not let that happen… [/quote]
I did enjoy the Blair Witch Project, for what it was, and not as “the scariest movie of all time” as it was billed. This movie is quite different. The main similarities are that its filmed with a camcorder, and that the gradual deterioration of a situation are shown on film.
Really, I’d recommend just seeing it. I’d be surprised if you thought it was a complete piece of shit.
[quote]Artem wrote:
Saw it shrooming: A great and horrible decision in one.
Good God man…what was that like? Shrooms serve to amplify the situation for me…chilled out at the cottage with friends, great decision…watching anything remotely scary, very bad decision. I once watched a fat woman devour a “Drumstick” ice-cream snack on shrooms and was absolutely horrified.
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Artem wrote:
I once watched a fat woman devour a “Drumstick” ice-cream snack on shrooms and was absolutely horrified.[/quote]
Mental image of the day.
dude somebody PLEASE take me to this
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Artem wrote:
Saw it shrooming: A great and horrible decision in one.
Good God man…what was that like? Shrooms serve to amplify the situation for me…chilled out at the cottage with friends, great decision…watching anything remotely scary, very bad decision. I once watched a fat woman devour a “Drumstick” ice-cream snack on shrooms and was absolutely horrified.[/quote]
Just generated a lot of really interesting thoughts. I’ve learned to control my emotions mostly shrooming, so I wasn’t freaking out or anything.
I question everything when shrooming though, so I was sitting there like… Yes, these images I’m seeing are frightening in nature, but why? And I was just picking apart what fear is in my mind for like 30 minutes. Then, I remembered I was watching a movie. I also ended up concentrating on people around me a lot and on how they were bahaving… what they were doing… how different people react to situations. The boyfriend trying to act hard and flexing the arm his girl is gripping when he sees the suspenseful, scary part coming, then freaking harder than her when it does.
It’s amusing shit.
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
dude somebody PLEASE take me to this[/quote]
Can’t you afford a movie?
Saw it. Thought it was good. Definitely a different kind of horror movie than what’s been churned out over the past few years. Gets it’s screams from a gradual buildup of suspense to a climax. No cheap tricks or gimmicks, it just gets gradually gets creepier and creepier until the end.
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
dude somebody PLEASE take me to this[/quote]
I’ll buy but I expect you to put out after
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
dude somebody PLEASE take me to this[/quote]
make the hot LT buy you the ticket this time.