I was wondering if anyone’s tried it and what there really is to it? It seems like most diets are paleolithic diets around here. All I know about the diet is that you stay away from dairy, grains, legumes and salt and everything else is fair game.
Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts were about the diet and if anyone knew more about the diet.
Fruit was scarce back then, so some advocate limiting it. It winds up being a low-moderate carb diet since you will only be eating veggie and perhaps nut carbs.
Some extreme people insist on eating the meat raw though I don’t think that is too common.
I dont think I’ll be eating the meat raw, but I was wondering if there anything about eating certain foods at certain times of the day, or any kind of cycling of fats and carbs? Also, what kind of vegetables can you eat? I saw that you can eat root vegetables, but only certain ones? In terms of a good carbohydrate source, what can I eat? I like that the diet is so simple, from what I know. If you can hunt it down and kill it or pick it from somewhere or something, eat it.
I mostly eat meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits, but trying to eat exactly like our ancestors is futile. Humans are opportunists, and there are too many variables. I would mostly focus on limiting processed foods, especially sugars and starches.
Do you know chimps use sticks to dig for edible roots? I’m sure our hunter gatherer ancestors did the same and loved to get their hands on the occasional carrot or sweet potato.
I think its important to go outside naked except for a loincloth, not having washed for three weeks and hunt my own food. It scares the kids in my neighborhood sometimes, though.
[quote]Der Candy wrote:
I think its important to go outside naked except for a loincloth, not having washed for three weeks and hunt my own food. It scares the kids in my neighborhood sometimes, though.[/quote]
^ Definitely a good idea if you don’t like doing your NEPA walks.
Yeah, I was planning on just trying to stick to just eating really clean and that’s about it from there. I was just wondering if there anything really specific about the paleolithic diet that made it special or unique.