Paleo Diet with 5/3/1

Curious to know if anyone on here has trained 5/3/1 while using the paleo diet. My wife asked me to start the diet with her in January for 30 days and, in the interest of happiness, I of course said yes.

I have read on it and understand the basic principles. Just wanted to know what folks on here may have experienced and how you modified your workout for not having any carbs, which may kill me

Are you not able to eat potatoes?

I’d modify it the way i’d modify any kind of training in conditions where you’re eating and recovering suboptimally. Lower your expectations dramatically, and try to hold your ground as best you can.

But I don’t have direct experience with this. I eat for strength.

I did Paleo with my fiance’ about a year ago but I ate sweet potatoes which are actually on the approved Paleo list; Paleo doesn’t have to be 100% low carb. Brown Rice isn’t Paleo but there isn’t a damn thing wrong with it either. Bananas are on the approved list, as well as apples and berries I believe.

[quote]Jaynick77 wrote:
I did Paleo with my fiance’ about a year ago but I ate sweet potatoes which are actually on the approved Paleo list; Paleo doesn’t have to be 100% low carb. Brown Rice isn’t Paleo but there isn’t a damn thing wrong with it either. Bananas are on the approved list, as well as apples and berries I believe. [/quote]
Actually, according to Paleo, the bran on the brown rice will fuck with your innards (not technical terms there) so it’s actually not ok. White rice is better because it doesn’t have all of the phytates/phytins. You can read Mark Sisson’s take on rice here: Is Rice Unhealthy?

You can eat potatoes and squashes all the time if you want. I also eat white rice all the time (almost daily) and sometimes eat gluten-free steel cut oats, but follow all of the other principals - no grains (wheat, barley, rye, etc.), no vegetable oils and limit PUFA (from nuts, seeds, fish oil) as much as I can.
Just eat a shitload of beef, chicken (dark meat), buffalo, offals, vegetables and the occasional piece of fish. It’s not hard to do.

[quote]Icarus wrote:
You can eat potatoes and squashes all the time if you want. I also eat white rice all the time (almost daily) and sometimes eat gluten-free steel cut oats, but follow all of the other principals - no grains (wheat, barley, rye, etc.), no vegetable oils and limit PUFA (from nuts, seeds, fish oil) as much as I can.
Just eat a shitload of beef, chicken (dark meat), buffalo, fish, offals and vegetables. It’s not hard to do. [/quote]

Depending on what your goals are, eating Paleo approved foods versus doing the flat-out low-carb Paleo diet are different things. If you’re just trying to clean-up your diet you may want to switch to Paleo approved foods versus low-carb Paleo. Just because it’s not on the Paleo list doesn’t mean it’s bad either.

[quote]Jaynick77 wrote:

[quote]Icarus wrote:
You can eat potatoes and squashes all the time if you want. I also eat white rice all the time (almost daily) and sometimes eat gluten-free steel cut oats, but follow all of the other principals - no grains (wheat, barley, rye, etc.), no vegetable oils and limit PUFA (from nuts, seeds, fish oil) as much as I can.
Just eat a shitload of beef, chicken (dark meat), buffalo, fish, offals and vegetables. It’s not hard to do. [/quote]

Depending on what your goals are, eating Paleo approved foods versus doing the flat-out low-carb Paleo diet are different things. If you’re just trying to clean-up your diet you may want to switch to Paleo approved foods versus low-carb Paleo. Just because it’s not on the Paleo list doesn’t mean it’s bad either. [/quote]

Agreed. But as someone said, Paleo isn’t necessarily low carb. And “non-Paleo approved foods” aren’t always bad for you either. The one thing that I found by trying the Paleo diet, it helped me remove all the crap that was affecting me negatively and I didn’t realize it. I have some sort of gluten sensitivity. I tried adding bread back in to my PWO meals and all it did was give me gas and cramps. Took it out and it went away. I guess it mostly helped me jsut figure out how to eat better for me. YMMV.

Did they thaw out some paleolithic guy to write this approved list? This kind of shit is stupid, why let some idiot create some arbitrary list that limits what you eat? I don’t need anyone to approve of what I eat.

It doesn’t have to be low carb (as mentioned above) - I was fairly strict paleo for a few years but recently I’ve started eating white rice most days, I tried reintroducing white potatoes but I got a skin reaction from them.

Yeah there are many carbs you can eat with Paleo, any sensible person knows you need carbs if you’re training. I use sweet and white potatoes, white rice, squash, pumpkin, and fruit. I personally don’t have problems with any of them, if I eat a gluten or wheat based foods my stomach isn’t happy about it. I didn’t realize how reactive I was to it until I took it out of my diet.

funny, TMag posted a big article on Paleo just today.

[quote]gsherman14 wrote:
Curious to know if anyone on here has trained 5/3/1 while using the paleo diet. My wife asked me to start the diet with her in January for 30 days and, in the interest of happiness, I of course said yes.

I have read on it and understand the basic principles. Just wanted to know what folks on here may have experienced and how you modified your workout for not having any carbs, which may kill me[/quote]

It is NOT designed for people who use this or any fad diet - it is NOT recommended.

Read the recent article ( Paleo: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly ) about Paleo. It’s a nice summary of why Paleo is great for those who know nothing about nutrition and want to make a step towards better eating.

It is NOT however, the holy grail of all diets. It’s scientific reasoning is highly flawed and restricts you from foods that are beneficial. If you want to see a Harvard PhD destroy Paleo psuedoscience check this out: "An Organic Chemist's Perspective on Paleo" by Mathieu Lalonde, PhD on Vimeo