OwainGlyndwr's Training Log

Run - 1.17 miles, 13:43
Run - 0.85 miles, 9:54
Walk - 1.2 miles

Nutrition: 2591 kcal, 191g protein, 86 ounces water, 520mg caffeine
Morning weight: 296.2


Run - 2:64 miles, 33:00

Bench x33 @ 105 (PR)
Press x33 (15, 10, 8) @ 105
Squat x33 (15, 12, 6) @ 105
Deadlift x33 (15, 18) @ 105
Front Squat x0.5 @ 315 (failure)
BB Curl x1 @ 135 (PR)
Hammer DB Curl x33 @ 25s
Session Time: 33:00

Can you guess how old I am today?

Note: Name of the game today was just nice and easy. My knee’s been a little tweaky the last couple days and my oblique still aches a tad, so in an overabundance of caution I just took things kinda slow. Run was nice. For the lifts, I picked the first open spot (bench), set a new 33RM, and then went for 33 total reps on the other lifts, doing whatever I could in 33 minutes. Very solid session overall. Tomorrow I’ll probably follow it up with a 33-themed swings/chins/dips/BTN session, and a hike, and some swimming. Will update nutrition later.


Happy 33rd birthday.


Love the layout of that, happy birthday!


W3D5 – W3D7
Well, the day after my birthday, when I was all geared up for a hike, swimming, some KBs, and other festivities: I came down very feverish, delirious, and with intense malaise overall for about 36 hours. Yay. Then, just as I was getting better: my wife and both boys got it.

So… I haven’t done much for a few days. Some walking, some light yoga. Nothing really worth logging. Movement definitely helped once I was able to do some.

I dropped ~8.5 pounds over the course of the sickness, and even after a couple maintenance days now, I’m still sitting at 292, so maybe a 4-pound sustainable loss. Not bad.

Yoga - 22:07

Note: Nothing major, just some focused stretches and positions. Probably won’t get to really train today either, just a walk. Tomorrow I should be able to hit the weights again though.


Walk - 1.08 miles

Run - 1 mile, 10:28 (treadmill)

Bench - x15 @ 135, x10 @ 185, x5 @ 225, x3 @ 275, x5 @ 225, x10 @ 185, x15 @ 135
Press - x10 @ 135
KB Swings - x100 @ 53
Chins - x10

Nutrition: 3200 kcal, 120g protein, 100 ounces water, 640mg caffeine
Weight: 291.2

Note: Snappy short workout. Feeling great after being ill. Excited to get back into it this week. Very surprised by my run: that’s a crazy pace for me right now, and it felt good overall. Maybe my cardio and conditioning are coming back.


Run - 1.5 miles, 16:15, treadmill

SSB Squat: x4 @ 225, x5 @ 315, x2 @ 365
Press: x10 @ 185 (5, 5)
Leg Ext: 10x10 @ 125
KB Swings: x50 @ 80
Chins: x10
BB Curls: x25 @ 45


Run - 1.5 miles, 16:01, treadmill

Bear Complex: x5 @ 135
KB Swings: x50 @ 80
Press: x5 @ 185
Good Morning: x5 @ 185
BB Curl: x25 @ 45
Chins: x30

Note: Another quick run and then some conditioning-style lifting. Soaked in sweat at the end. Good workout. My wife’s first at the gym postpartum, so it was fun to hang. Got ice cream afterward. Weight still trending down.


Did some walking, did some pushups.

Yoga - 18:07

Bench: 5x8 @ 185
KB Swing: 5x20 @ 53
Press: 3x5 @ 100
BTN Press: 3x5 @ 100
Hammer Curl: x25 w/25s
Calf Raise: 2x25 @ 400

Note: Back to logging regularly after ~10 days of sickness and a birthday. It is egregiously hot today, and I made the mistake of starting the day with a movie and a giant burger: I am so lethargic. Forced myself through the above workout; skipped running and conditioning for today. Just going to hydrate and rest and attack things fresh tomorrow.

Nutrition: ~2500 kcal, 150g protein, 120 ounces water (and counting), 320mg caffeine
Weight: 293


Row - 1500m, 7:20
Run - 1.0 miles, 11:14
Run - 1.0 miles, 12:36

Squat: x5 @ 365
KB Swing: 5x20 @ 53
Shrug: 3x5 @ 185
Row: 3x5 @ 185
BB Curl: x50 @ 45
T3T Strength: Squat x10, Push Press x10, both @ 185, done in 2s and 3s
Chins: x25

Nutrition: 2300 kcal, 180g protein, 136 ounces water, 480mg caffeine
Weight: 293

Note: Nice to still squat relatively heavy relatively easily. I’m thinking I’ll push some rep PRs in the 350–400 range over the next couple weeks. For the rest, I really am enjoying putting a set weight on the bar and just supersetting a bunch of different lifts with that. That’s kind of my basic approach these days. Running was nice—hot but downhill on the way out, then a 3-hour movie break, then slightly cooler but uphill on the way back.

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I think the family-life craziness is probably past for a while (famous last words). The last week or so had a ton going on—lots of good stuff, lots of fun, but not a bunch of emphasis on recording stuff. I ran a couple times, lifted a couple times, did some rowing. Worked hard, ate well. Didn’t worry about caloric intake and weighed in this morning at the exact same weight, so at least I’ve got maintenance down, haha.

Run: 1.5 miles, 16:09, treadmill

KB Swings: 5x30 @ 53
Press: 5x5 @ 135
Push Press: x8 @ 185, x2 @ 225
Chins: x25

Note: Wish I would have known that my rep PR at 185 was already 8 for PP: I would have squeaked out one more. Ah well. Good quick session today. Mondays can be rough—coming off the weekend, and I usually have a morning movie with my boys followed by an indulgent meal—and I was definitely feeling it today, but I put in good effort.

Nutrition: ~1400 calories so far, ~85g protein, 120 ounces water, 320mg caffeine
Weight: 293


Run: 1.5 miles, 17:26, treadmill
Row: 1000m, 4:54

Bench Press: 5x5 @ 225
KB Swings: 5x20 @ 53
Press: x8 @ 185
BTN Press: x3 @ 185 (PR)
Shrugs: x10 @ 135
Chins: x10


Strong! Congrats on the PR, too.

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Thanks! Pressing is by far my favorite lift, and including BTN and other variations has done wonders for my shoulders/upper body growth. I’m sure I’ve got more in me when I’m fresh too. If I had a barbell at home I’d be pressing morning, noon, and night haha.


Walk - 1.67 miles

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Walk: 1.5 mile

Push-ups: x25
Sit-ups: x25

Complex: 5 reps each of trap bar deadlift, barbell press, and KB goblin squat, as well as 1 chin. 5 rounds in 11:40. I used 275, 135, and 88, respectively. Ideally I would do 5 chins as well, but the setup wasn’t ideal. I like this complex a lot. I’m going to keep it in the rotation. Try to get sub-10 and then maybe sub-8 at some point.

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Nap: 2 hours

KB Swings: x25, then x15 each hand, @ 53

Note: Last week on this program before I trial-run my real homebrew framework. Excited for it; this one has been a good primer and will make for a good module in the new framework too.

Also looking forward to actually lifting and running tomorrow, haha. Today was busy.

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Run: 2 miles, 23:26, treadmill
Row: 1500m, 7:12

Bench: x75 @ 135 (by 10s and 15s)
KB Swings: x150 @ 62 (by 10s and 15s)
Press: x10 @ 155
BTN Press: x10 @ 155
Hammer Curls: x25 w/25s
Triceps Extensions: 10x10 @ 100
Chins: x25

Note: Feeling really good about this one. Really fits the theme of this program. Trying to include more triceps volume as I think mine lag a little.

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Run: 2 miles, 21:33, treadmill

Triceps Extensions: 5x10 @ 125
Leg Curls: 5x10 @ 100
Dips: x25
Chins: x25
Calf Raise: x75 @ 250 (25, 20, 15, 10, 5; minimal rest in between)

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Run: 1 mile, 9:51, treadmill
Press: 5x5 @ 135
Clean: 5x5 @ 135
Curl: 5x5 w/ 35s, x1 w/60 (PR)

Note: I keep feeling like I did something else that I just didn’t log. I’ll go ahead and assume it was a 300-pound log press for 10 and call it good.

And that’s a wrap for the initial run of Training the Light Fantastic! This block hit a lot of life snags that led to me missing a bunch of the goals for this program, but ultimately, the main goal was to test out some programming methods and get some work capacity and consistency back, and both have been accomplished, so I’ll call that a win. I feel pleased with my efforts on this program. I’ll keep it in my back pocket for the future, too; I could see it pairing really well with an off-season or comp-ramp-up period.

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