I have a lower than normal testosterone level, and I have been alot about how over training can lower your testosterone.
I am trying to figure out if I am over training, and if yes, if it is enough to lower my t levels.
About me
200 pounds
Maybe 12 percent body fat
I eat well.
43 resting heart beat
I was a college swimmer and I was also swimmer in high school, so I am use to working out constantly. Basically everyday day of the week, regardless as to whether I am tired or a little bit sick. I have been lifting for several years, but for the last two years or so I have barely gained any mass or strength. Although cardiovasculary I am getting better and better. I have not missed a daily workout in atleast five months, maybe longer, sometimes I feel like I have a workout disorder.
Heres is a typical week
Monday, Weds, Fri, Sun
Run 3 miles, Swim 2 miles
Tuesday, Thurs, Sat — the actually lifting takes about an hour
Run 3 miles
bench 3 sets at 185 205 and 225
Regular pull ups 3 sets
Military pull ups 3 sets
Dead lifts 3 sets 205 225 225
Military Press with Free weights, 45 per arm, 50, 50
Bend over rows, 60 per arm, 3 sets
Shoulder raises, 3 sets, 25, 25, 30
Star jumpers, 3 sets of 10
Dips at own body weight, 3 sets of 15
Power Cleans 3 sets at 135 135 155
Occasionally Rock climbing after workout
I know I probably do too much…but is it way too much? Are my t-levels affected?
I would like to get stronger and bigger, but honestly those aren’t my biggest concerns, mainly I just want my t levels to get higher so I stop having symtoms of low t.