Out of Date MAG-10

Found a few bottles of MAG-10 but they’re out of date, are they still useable or shall I bin them?

If you want to bin them I’ll gladly take them instead :slight_smile:

I have a bottle that is out of date, but it is also in the freezer. I think Tim once said that the stuff will be good a year after the out of date in regular storage, but will last maybe a few more years if in the freezer. I would just go ahead and use them up, put one in the freezer and use the other and then use the frozen one when ready.

Products don’t go from good to bad overnight. They will slowly start losing their effectiveness.

Now we can get back to the tired old cliche of “send it to me to test it”

Use em.

I would send all you T-Nationers a batch…but aren’t they illegal now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Any past experiences/recommendations for using MAG-10?

Just use what is says on the bottle. Plain and simple. Depends on how old it is, you may have to add one cap to your daily servings.

[quote]jackdaniels wrote:
I would send all you T-Nationers a batch…but aren’t they illegal now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Any past experiences/recommendations for using MAG-10?[/quote]

Hey, I’ll gladly purchase some off you, and I’m local. :slight_smile:

I’ve done 1 cycle so far a year back, using 1 bottle, 2 caps 3x a day (6 a day). Coming off I used Alpha Male. Gained about 7lbs in 2 weeks, and the stuff was out of date too (but kept frozen).

It’s good stuff.