Hello everyone.
I have 2 packs of oral Trenbolone Acetate.I do not intend to use it hence i am asking if i gift it to a gym buddy what should he have included in his cycle and PCT.
The reason why I would not use it is its very toxic on the liver and I am just finishing my first ever cycle of halo only.
Thanks upfront.Cheers.
No such thing, mate. Unless it’s the parabolan tablets and I’d be skeptical if it were - it won’t be acetate if it is that, it’ll be Hex.
I’d gift it to the bin to be honest.
It is parabolan.A friend used it with great results.Thing is I will not be touching it so hopefully someone can see the benefits of it.
Bumping this thread if anyone has knowledge on Trenbolone Acetate 10mg 50 tabs.Will post a picture if it is allowed?
I’ve never seen legit oral tren.
Are you sure it’s not primo?
It says Trenbolon Acetate 10mg - Parabolan.
On the web parabolan tablets usually are
Trenbolone (hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - this ester)
okay so its either Tren Hex (Parabolan) or Tren Ace (not Parabolan)
Your shit is labeled “Tren Acetate - 10mg Parabolan”…
I’m very certain tren ace cannot be taken orally.
Your shit is positively and confidently mislabeled, so whoever “brewed” it has no fuckin idea what they’re doing.
It’s like saying someone’s selling a Chevrolet Mustang Hybrid Diesel - and you want to buy it… Just fuckin don’t.
Just dump that shit. Its of no use to you or anyone else.
Okay thanks mate.It will be in the trash.Peace out.
It could be… but the bioavailability would be exceedingly low
At which point why… makes me wonder if he has like pellets designed to be brewed, and it’s some dodgy ugl that hasn’t got a clue
Kinda like how primo CAN be taken orally but the effective dose of oral primo is much higher than the injectable
Parabolan isn’t even available anymore… parabolan was the pharma grade tren hex that was occasionally prescribed in France for like severe malnutrition, cachexia (cancer, aids etc)…
Tren hex is still around but you can be almost certain anyone claiming to have the real Parabolan amps is lying and/or some guy had a doomsday bunker and decided to get rid of the tren he was storing for the end of the world
Many UGL sources test as good as pharma grade, if not better.
It’s not Parabolan™ but it may as well be
Yea I’m sure… also probably more potent mg/ml (right?) as Parabolan amps were 76mg/ml weren’t they?
But the novelty factor exists if you can actually get the old school amps (like a collectors item )
In 10 years, we will be reminiscing about Bayer Primo amps as they are winding down production.
Since many people joined the discussion im glad its from the Chinese brand dragon pharma locally in our country we have facilities that test anabolics potency and whether it is real or fake but I wouldnt bother for one pack.
People here use dragon pharma and swear by it.However its already in the trash
I heard about this! What a shame… not for bodybuilding necessarily but it was/is a really good drug for use in cases of muscle wasting… Esp if you have like cancer cachexia, less toxicity with primo relative to say… nandrolone in the dosages used to treat cachexia/overt wasting…
Where I live every single AAS other than test has been taken off the market and my doctor says sometimes when women are suffering from wasting (disease state) doctors don’t really have a choice but to give the woman TRT (TRT for woman type dose), and if that isn’t adequate the woman might have to risk virilization and I think that’s just absurd
I think the choice to take these drugs off the market is often more political than it is rational… thst and concerns surrounding people like us using them…
I wouldn’t be surprised if a good 30-50% of those primo amps made it to the black market
In the same way OxyContin was diverted before the formula was modulated in the 2000s to make it tamper resistant
There is such a stigma against trt in much of the western world outside of the USA, let alone AAS…