any opinions?
stats: 41y 189 lbs 13 bf
thinking about running week 1 to week 7
50ml of var And 50ml of winstrol ed.
Thanks for your opinion.
well many here will tell you that oral only cycles are worthless and to add an injectible like test.
what is your training exp and goals?
dont run winny for more than 6 weeks and 4 is usually recommended.
and i hope you mean 50 mg, not 50 ml
Depending on what you want, you’ll likely enjoy Var.
Winny is an outdated compound. Some may like it, but that doesn’t make it a good compound internally.
If you are new at this keep in mind this stuff effects everyone differently.
Have plans to deal with hairloss, acne…
Tbol might be more what you want, although it is a mystery compound. No one knows anything about it, but no sides are really reported, so far so good with that one.
“well many here will tell you that oral only cycles are worthless and to add an injectible like test.” Right… now, explain to him exactly why they they will say he should add injectible test
if i were to run an all oral cycle…
6 weeks of t-bol and var:
30-40 mg’s t-bol + 30-40 mg’s var ED
about as mild as you can get(suppression and sides), yet effective given your training and nutrition are down pat. tons of water and liver protectants included in this one.
if 3-4 weeks is preferred. Drol + winny is a decent all oral stack. drol 50-100 mg ED, winny 50 mg ED.
Oral only cycles still suck IMO. But those are the only 2 i’d consider.
Would MAG-10 be a good replacement for test to keep it an oral only cycle?
[quote]RoidEnthusiast wrote:
“well many here will tell you that oral only cycles are worthless and to add an injectible like test.” Right… now, explain to him exactly why they they will say he should add injectible test
Sure. Well for starters winstrol is one of the most liver toxic orals out there mg for mg so running this alongside of another oral like OT (which is less toxic than winny) would put major stress on your liver.
6 weeks should be the absolute MAX you would want to run winstrol for as even 6 mg will fluctuate you lipid values about 30% in the wrong direction (lower HDL by 33% and raise LDL by 29%). Adding test will eliminate the added stress of 2 orals on your liver.
Furthermore, orals have a short halflife in the system. winstrol about 9 hrs and OT about 16. this means the doses have to be split up evenly throughout the day in order to keep blood level constant. fluctuating blood levels will make the cycle not as effective as it could be. adding a long ester testosterone will ensure that you will have stable levels of testosterone while adding a synergistic compound of whatever oral you chose.
Actually, oral winstrol helps free up more testosterone in the body from SHBG so it should help to enhance the effect of an injectible test moreso than without it.
Hope this helps
[quote]1MeanD wrote:
Would MAG-10 be a good replacement for test to keep it an oral only cycle?[/quote]
[quote]juice20jd wrote:
Oral only cycles still suck IMO. But those are the only 2 i’d consider.[/quote]
ToneDef reports intresting effects from A-Bomb/winny stack…
what to you think about that?
obviously nothing compared to test… but should they be intresting…
[quote]trailer36 wrote:
and i hope you mean 50 mg, not 50 ml[/quote]
My bad is mg and not ml
Well I’m glad to see the answer wasn’t an automatic “because every cycle should have test as a base”. That is a very popular chant around here, but unfortunately couldn’t be further from the truth. The original poster is 41 years old, but oddly hasn’t mentioned hairloss as a concern. Considering he’s talking about using Winstrol he either hasn’t thought about it, doesn’t care about it, or is already bald as Telly Savalas.
So if hairloss isn’t a concern, then injectible test shouldn’t offend him… but, he may prefer the DHT compound for the simple fact he want’s hard, lean, retainable gains. Let’s face it, injectible test is not well known for its “keepable” gains. It’s known for its ability to blow you up like an ape while on, and unfortunately you’ll piss out about half the weight gained when you come off. Nevermind the greasy skin and estrogen problems. Oral only cycles compromise your liver, but you have to weigh that against your goals and all the things injectible test compromises in terms of the decision.
[quote]juice20jd wrote:
if i were to run an all oral cycle…
6 weeks of t-bol and var:
30-40 mg’s t-bol + 30-40 mg’s var ED
about as mild as you can get(suppression and sides), yet effective given your training and nutrition are down pat. tons of water and liver protectants included in this one.
if 3-4 weeks is preferred. Drol + winny is a decent all oral stack. drol 50-100 mg ED, winny 50 mg ED.
Oral only cycles still suck IMO. But those are the only 2 i’d consider.[/quote]
Thanks juice I like that first choice I will ride with that one,I think at my age tbol and var will do the trick.Will like to take for my next cycle some susta 250 and tren; but I have to do more reserch on it since I am still learning.
[quote]RoidEnthusiast wrote:
Well I’m glad to see the answer wasn’t an automatic “because every cycle should have test as a base”. That is a very popular chant around here, but unfortunately couldn’t be further from the truth. The original poster is 41 years old, but oddly hasn’t mentioned hairloss as a concern. Considering he’s talking about using Winstrol he either hasn’t thought about it, doesn’t care about it, or is already bald as Telly Savalas.
So if hairloss isn’t a concern, then injectible test shouldn’t offend him… but, he may prefer the DHT compound for the simple fact he want’s hard, lean, retainable gains. Let’s face it, injectible test is not well known for its “keepable” gains. It’s known for its ability to blow you up like an ape while on, and unfortunately you’ll piss out about half the weight gained when you come off. Nevermind the greasy skin and estrogen problems. Oral only cycles compromise your liver, but you have to weigh that against your goals and all the things injectible test compromises in terms of the decision. [/quote]
I have a question. I’m 55 years old and eat fairly clean all year. I am thinking about ordering RC’s papervar. Taking 10mg twice a day. I’m training 3 times a week(full body)and protein at the max now. I loved the prohormones and did well with them. No sides. I’m not looking to go crazy or anything so I want to go light. Any thing you can add to help? Thanks.
If you want to go light, I think Anavar is about as light as you can go- so it’s a good choice. If you’ve already tried prohormones and were ok with them, then the Anavar by comparison will actually be a break on your liver. I don’t know what you’ll see from 20mg a day, but you could leave it or increase it a bit as time goes on depending on your level of satisfaction with the results. Alot of these guys describing these big stacks of drugs are aiming for serious bulk. If you’re just looking for a little more tone and a little fat loss help, a little Anavar is a great choice.
[quote]cadav wrote:
juice20jd wrote:
Oral only cycles still suck IMO. But those are the only 2 i’d consider.
ToneDef reports intresting effects from A-Bomb/winny stack…
The A-drol/Winny stack was part of a bigger cycle, which included Test Prop, Test E and EQ. Its just a nice combo to take at the start of a cycle due to its quick results.
[quote]duke6j wrote:
I have a question. I’m 55 years old and eat fairly clean all year. I am thinking about ordering RC’s papervar. Taking 10mg twice a day. I’m training 3 times a week(full body)and protein at the max now. I loved the prohormones and did well with them. No sides. I’m not looking to go crazy or anything so I want to go light. Any thing you can add to help? Thanks.[/quote]
i am far from being an expert.
but from my “research” i may suggest you to up the doses at leas to 40mg day
[quote]TONEdef wrote:
The A-drol/Winny stack was part of a bigger cycle, which included Test Prop, Test E and EQ. Its just a nice combo to take at the start of a cycle due to its quick results.
yep, but still is an intresting combo
if it works as kick start it should also be fine as a short “oral only” cycle
Thanks guys for all the help. I really didn’t stock up on the prohormones as much as I would have liked before the ban because of cash being a little short at the time. I just want to cut up a little more without loosing any muscle. I must say that this site is the best and Biotest makes some great products.
[quote]RoidEnthusiast wrote:
Well I’m glad to see the answer wasn’t an automatic “because every cycle should have test as a base”. That is a very popular chant around here, but unfortunately couldn’t be further from the truth. The original poster is 41 years old, but oddly hasn’t mentioned hairloss as a concern. Considering he’s talking about using Winstrol he either hasn’t thought about it, doesn’t care about it, or is already bald as Telly Savalas.
So if hairloss isn’t a concern, then injectible test shouldn’t offend him… but, he may prefer the DHT compound for the simple fact he want’s hard, lean, retainable gains. Let’s face it, injectible test is not well known for its “keepable” gains. It’s known for its ability to blow you up like an ape while on, and unfortunately you’ll piss out about half the weight gained when you come off. Nevermind the greasy skin and estrogen problems. Oral only cycles compromise your liver, but you have to weigh that against your goals and all the things injectible test compromises in terms of the decision. [/quote]
Roid thanks for your opinion I din’t mention hair lost because I did not experience any hair lost in my past 2 cycles and if I did, its was minor.I been having thining hair for my last 10 years. Two sides of the family are bold.(I fell lucky) but I know I will be somewhat bold in the next 5 or 6 years.I will end up shaving it.Turinabold is a form of tetosterone with very low estrogen conversion, there for sides are rare.Will take 6 weeks of 40mg to 50mg ed var and 40mg of turinabol(will be trying)paper for the first time.What you think about that. Will have clomid and tamoxifen on hand. In the event of a rare case of stro conver.