Anyone else suffer from this?
I never had a problem eating any fruits, veggies, or nuts growing up, but around my late teens or early twenties things went haywire. I started getting a weird itchy feeling and mild swelling in my mouth, gums, and lips from certain foods. Mainly apples, peaches, plums, pears, cherries, almonds, carrots, celery, and others. And it seemed to mainly be the skin of the fruits that bothered me. It took a while to figure out exactly what was causing it and what it was but it’s bothered me for the past 5-10 years (I’m 26 now).
All of a sudden it seems to be getting better. I accidentally ate an almond the other day and had no reaction, so I started experimenting. I’ve since tested it with a couple different brands of almonds and had no problems (although I just read that almonds are now required to be pasteurized so that might be something). Last night I was also able to eat a plum, which was always one of my favorite fruits as a kid but I haven’t been able to enjoy in years. No reaction whatsoever. I’m going to try a peach or an apple tonight. I don’t know if I’m just outgrowing it or what’s going on, but I’d be interested to hear if anyone else has any similar experiences.