Optimal traning and diet?

Hello guys.
I am 16yr and i have been training seriously and consistently or about 2 years, but i started around 5 years ago and i was just going once a month and eating absolute junk food.
The first year of my consistant training i was obese, around 90kg which is the same weight as i am now. I was doing a PPL split but i didnt grow too much, i just lost fat because i was in a deficit. After my first year i was about 70kg but with no muscle. So i got on a high protein diet but i was on my maintainance to 250cal surplus later on in calories. And now i am about 93kg. 3 weeks ago i was 89kg and tested at 18% bodyfat now i tested at 22% after my vacation.
On another page in this forum i was told that a bro split is OK for building muscle.
And i also need to learn more about my nutrition .
What would you guys reccommend my bodybuilding split should be? I train with a warmup set and go two sets to failure while decreasing the weight, aiming for around 6 reps.
And how should my nutrition look like?
Im eating 300g of carbs, 180g of protein and 75g of fats? Around 3000cal a day but i am going to need to lose a bit of fat on a deficit. I want to get to a healthy 15% bodyfat and a lot more muscle.
Thanks in advance.