Hi everyone…i’ve never done this before so i thought i would try. I know there is alot of experience and knowledge out there and if possible would like to hear some feedback, opinions and/or comments (good or bad) about my body…or things i could work on. Thanks
you have great potential.
add 40-50lbs of muscle and you will look like a fucking beast.
stats and proper pics would be a good start.
Thats a nice kitchen you have, now put in some work there. Your head looks too big for your body at this point. lol
Definately good potential though.
Thanks…ummm ya ill have to get back to you on the measurements as i dont own a tape measure yet. Ya i do have kind of a big head…lol…but in that pic my head is closer to the camera then my body (opps) doesnt help me any…lol…are there any good “head curls” i can do to tone up my melon…lol. Thanks for the comments
now post a backshot and legshot if you want a rating.
If not, go add 40pounds
Here is a back shot…sorry if i dont have good pose technique but at least you can get the idea
[quote]canuck13 wrote:
Thanks…ummm ya ill have to get back to you on the measurements as i dont own a tape measure yet. Ya i do have kind of a big head…lol…but in that pic my head is closer to the camera then my body (opps) doesnt help me any…lol…are there any good “head curls” i can do to tone up my melon…lol. Thanks for the comments [/quote]
I was messing with you about your head lol
And by stats I meant height, weight, and any lifting numbers you think are relevant. Measurements aren’t totally necessary since we have pics to look at.
Ok here are my Stats
Height 5’8"
Weight 143 pounds
My chest / waist / hips size in inches is:
I havent really tested out my 1RM yet…so it looks like i have some homework to do in the gym…again thanks for the feedback.
Nice tattoo !
Honestly, I just think you would need overall mass, but, as I said before, you have great potential, just get bigger
Hey thanks about the tattoo…and ill keep on trying for the lean mass building…how long you been doing this for?
For about 4 years but wasted something like 2 years due to excessive clubbing and stuff loll !
You seem to have good muscle shapes, you really only need to eat more I think
[quote]zraw wrote:
Nice tattoo !
Honestly, I just think you would need overall mass, but, as I said before, you have great potential, just get bigger[/quote]
[quote]canuck13 wrote:
Ok here are my Stats
Height 5’8"
Weight 143 pounds
My chest / waist / hips size in inches is:
I havent really tested out my 1RM yet…so it looks like i have some homework to do in the gym…again thanks for the feedback.
Don’t test 1rm. It’s pretty much uncessary for a bodybuilder. Keeping track of your lifts will help will measuring progress though.
The best advice I can give you is to not be afraid of carbs. Whole grains are good but not the end all be all. I’m an inch shorter than you and started off a lot skinnier than you. It took me a long time to realize how much food was actually needed to grow.
Guys like us who carry minimal bodyfat usually have great insulin sensitivity and can handle carbs well. Start getting accustomed to eating a lot more than you currently are. You will start looking softer at some point but that is necessary for gaining muscle.
he’s cut too, that’s what not eating does.
I think you train mirror muscles too much… more back needed
I agree i do need to eat more to get some mass…working on that so its a good thing i like eating (not junk)…i will work on my back aswell…Thanks guys for the help.
Much appreciated!
Very nice definition!
Thanks…always a work in progress. Something new to work on and build
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
canuck13 wrote:
Ok here are my Stats
Height 5’8"
Weight 143 pounds
My chest / waist / hips size in inches is:
I havent really tested out my 1RM yet…so it looks like i have some homework to do in the gym…again thanks for the feedback.
Don’t test 1rm. It’s pretty much uncessary for a bodybuilder. Keeping track of your lifts will help will measuring progress though.
The best advice I can give you is to not be afraid of carbs. Whole grains are good but not the end all be all. I’m an inch shorter than you and started off a lot skinnier than you. It took me a long time to realize how much food was actually needed to grow.
Guys like us who carry minimal bodyfat usually have great insulin sensitivity and can handle carbs well. Start getting accustomed to eating a lot more than you currently are. You will start looking softer at some point but that is necessary for gaining muscle.[/quote]
I agree with him here. I have the same body type as you (however may not be as big). Read as much as you can about nutrition.
OKay, very good base,… BASE… I was your height and 150 lbs before I started lifting (arms were 14" if that gives you any idea of where I started from),… so you obviously have a lot of work to do.
Still, the pics do show some potential if you start busting your ass and EATING. Especially if you already think your eat “enough”, but have a hummingbird metabolism. Gonna have to reassess what “eating enough” means -lol.
What does your training look like?