21 years old. 200lbs. 11-13%BF. Just want to see how I do and get some feedback. I felt like before my legs were by far my weakest point but I spent several months bulking up to 225 from 200 and this is me back at 2 bills. I feel like now I really need to work on my back, arms, glutes and traps.
umm…rate what? to post in the “rate my physique” forum, you have to have a physique to rate. and i’m not being mean i swear but you’re a blank slate dude. read all you can in the beginners’ forum, train your ass off for one solid year then use this pic as your “before” shot and then we’ll rate you. oh and good going for giving yourself a 10…lol
[quote]1morerep wrote:
umm…rate what? to post in the “rate my physique” forum, you have to have a physique to rate. and i’m not being mean i swear but you’re a blank slate dude. read all you can in the beginners’ forum, train your ass off for one solid year then use this pic as your “before” shot and then we’ll rate you. oh and good going for giving yourself a 10…lol [/quote]
Well I guess you edited your post I didn’t see this to begin with. I have not rated myself, I can do that without posting the pictures for others to see, and if I thought I was a 10 I wouldn’t need to work out.
I appreciate your input, but I do find it a little hard to believe that I look like a blank slate. At my bodyfat and weight most people would say I look better than the average Joe right? My legs are 26 inches…for whatever that’s worth.
Thank you for your input, I don’t plan on stopping now, and I definitely don’t think this is what I should aspire to look like. This is where I’m at now and I just wanted to know what you guys think. I do appreciate it.
hey…everyone has to start somewhere. the best advice i can give is to be brutally consistent in both your training and diet. do that and good things will happen!
[quote]Deserteaglle wrote:
1morerep wrote:
you’ve barely scratched the surface is all.
This is more of what I was expecting to hear.lol
Dude, you aren’t fat or overly skinny, but when it comes to bodybuilding and muscle he’s exactly right you have barely, maybe hardly, scratched the surface. For people to rate you in in that arena you’ve got some work ahead of you. Your legs (quads) look like they have potential. Out of curiosity what are you lifting on the big three squat, bench, and deadlift?
Wow, the posts are a bit harsh. This guy is lean with a little muscle. If he posted the same pic but said he’d worked his butt off to get down from 300 to where he is now, his rating would be around a 9.5
[quote]Bonn1997 wrote:
Wow, the posts are a bit harsh. This guy is lean with a little muscle. If he posted the same pic but said he’d worked his butt off to get down from 300 to where he is now, his rating would be around a 9.5[/quote]
No, they aren’t harsh. They’re 100 percent correct. Also, getting down from 300 to where he is now shouldn’t affect his rating whatsoever. I think his rating is too high as it is actually.
you look around 16 - 20 %
if you were ten you’d have visable ab’s
and yeah, 1mr as usual is right.
you’ve got nothing against you
but absolutly nothing forya eather,
i gave you a 1
I actually came from this about a year ago…in the pic I was 217[in the other thread], and about a month or so before I’d been 230. My legs were sticks, I was a smoker and a hard drinker. I found this site when I was just wanting to look and feel better, and while someday I would like to be alot bigger, right now I compete in MMA at the amateur level, and have my fighting weight that I have to stay around.
That said, I wasn’t expecting a high score, I thought a 4-4.5 was about how I should do on a BB website. I saw 1mr comment to a 127lb. kid that he had no physique to rate…I assumed my 75+pounds of muscle would give me something to rate.
I also wondered if my abs were going to be brought into question. Obviously I had a flash on the camera and the light you can see in the picture facing me. I do have visible abs, but they aren’t in that light. I’ll do what I can to show off my “hawt abz”."
Thanks, and don’t worry about hurting my feelings anyone, I understand this is a bodybuilding website and were I to stand next to someone who competes I would look like crap. I just want honest opinions is all.
[quote]Dedicated wrote:
Deserteaglle wrote:
1morerep wrote:
you’ve barely scratched the surface is all.
This is more of what I was expecting to hear.lol
Dude, you aren’t fat or overly skinny, but when it comes to bodybuilding and muscle he’s exactly right you have barely, maybe hardly, scratched the surface. For people to rate you in in that arena you’ve got some work ahead of you. Your legs (quads) look like they have potential. Out of curiosity what are you lifting on the big three squat, bench, and deadlift?
I’m sorry, but I can’t give any real(current) big 3 numbers because I haven’t trained low reps in months. Because of my shoulder issues and lack of shoulder flexibility I’ve completely stopped barbell benching to focus bringing up my posterior and lateral delts, and when I do db bench I do upwards of 20 reps.
Also due to my MMA training I stopped lifting the way I had before, and I started working out at home with just a 300lb. oly set and a bench. When I was still at the gym I was deadlifting 295 for 8x3, and squatting I think 255 for 8x3. Since then I’ve done much higher rep squats since I don’t have a cage and have to overhead press everything I back squat with my bad shoulders, and I usually rep out deads with 225 anywhere from sets of 12-15 reps. I did put every weight I had on the bar the other day and did a double overhand dead with 300lbs. and defintely had gas in the tank.
My lifts are pretty weak, but like I said, I run everyday, do sprint work a couple times a week, do an hour and a half of technique and conditioning work 4-5 days a week, and my lifting is to correct the imbalances I have and make me better at my sport…which I have to remind myself from time to time because in the past I’ve gotten more worried about putting weight on the bar than I was with getting better at my fighting.
No worries man. You are at a good place and have potential to take it a lot further. You have enough weight at home to keep making positive progress. Just keep working on the things you mentioned and improving the big lifts.
A mod PM’d me and said he was going to merge the threads, but apparently the site is having problems. Too bad, I kinda like seeing the current picture next to the one from a year ago.lol
Dedicated, thanks for the support. I actually just found a new gym that is about a beellion times better than my last gym. I think there are 6 power racks, several deadlifting areas, tires, bands, chains, a sprint track, and a sandpit and logs.
Thanks IronWarrior, I refuse to argue and get worked up at people over the internet and I think it helps with my blood pressure.lol
Like I said in another post to the other thread that has dissappeared, I’m not expecting you guys to be wowed or even impressed, I just wanted to see where I’m at right now in you guys eyes.
My story is a long one and doesn’t revolve around bitching at people for giving their opinions after I posted pics. I was 212lbs. when I was in 7th grade, 250 by 10th grade, starved myself to 175 by the time I was 18, and by December of 2006 I had gotten back up to around 230 and was very close to having a serious drug and alcohol problem, and I smoked and just wasn’t happy with my life.
Catching some shit for looking the way I do now is nothing.lol. Keep it coming guys. Thanks.