Well, cutting is very simple, you just eat less than you need and you lose weight. There is no other way and nothing makes it easier.
There are some people who claim that GH burns fat directly, but there is a medical study that it doesnt do it so much that it would be a relevant treatment for fat people.
There are some people who claim that tren helps burning fat, then again tren is a favourite compound of a lot of strength athletes and they are mostly what you would call “fat”.
At the end of the day, even if some of the drugs “enhance” fatloss by different ways, its not like its noticeable. Its 5-10% here and there.
Steroids build muscle. When cutting they preserve muscle. And it doesnt matter which ones you chose. You can do tren, you can do deca. At the end of the day all steroids work very similar. Now what is different is the added cosmetic effect of some drugs which is noticeable only as long as you take the drug.
So the actual reason why people pick different drugs is to get a bit ahead of themselves. If one wants to bulk he will chose drugs that bloat him and gives him pump, because that is his mindset at the time and in a way he will sooner look like he wanted to look. So if you wanna gain 20lbs you can do dbol, deca, anadrol, let your e2 get higher and in 5 weeks you will look about halfway done with the bulk. Its not real muscle, its not real look. You just kinda get to see it in advance.
Same goes with “cutting” steroids. The only thing they do different is they kinda give u “the look” sooner. The pic a added shows it very good, how you ACTUALLY look, and how the drug makes you look. No real bodyfat is lost there at that time.
So tren, winny, anavar, for some people masteron(didnt do shit for me) are drugs that “fake” your results sooner, so its easier to stick to the diet or something, maybe.
The look is gone the second the drug clears out tho.
So for an actual result, there is no point of ever taking more than just test and more than you are willing to take forever because all the look is gone when you stop.
The reason we have “cutting drugs” is because of the bodybuilders who need the added cosmetic look to their competition look.
With high doses of tren and DHTs, overdosed AI for crashed e2 and diuretics, they achieve that freaky leanness… I am pretty sure that if they all would hop on average test dose, and lower deca, they would lose 30lbs of size in 8 weeks, and all look much much smoother very soon.
A lot of traing, diet, and understanding of steroids is completely fucked, just as our perception of what “musclar” is, etc because of bodybuilding culture.
Most stuff we “know” comes from pro bodybuilding stuff and somehow we forgot that it is where it came from and it means nothing outside it.
When you look at best fighters and NFL athletes, who are into a contact and strength sport, you would see that they also are big, jacked, athletic, but most of the bullshit like adding tren, for example, to get into a weightclass does not exist in fight sports, for example.
Same goes with diets, protein requirements and exercise science. Bodybuilding is a fucked up thing that only works for genetics that are made for it and even then, there is a question of if even that matters for those genetics, because if you look at some chicks in crossfit you can see that they are 1 step away from a bodybuilding comp, and not a single curl was done, and not a single shot of tren was done.
So there is a huge chance that the whole bodybuilding approach is a huge lie. There are just people who look like that no matter what they do, and they just kind of keep boosting those ideas, because they kind of believe em themselves.
Kinda like people who spend 30,000 for a burger or a glass of whiskey. They say they can tell the difference but can they really? We will never know. I think its a scam for themselves because i have never seen a person spend their LAST 30,000 on a glass of whiskey because its “worth it”. Its always millionares who wouldnt even notice the loss of 30,000. So maybe a person with bodybuilding genetics doesnt need a single isolation exercise also, because there are many people who copy bodybuilders and they do not look like it, and many people who look like bodybuilders but dont train that way.