When we talk about cutting cycles, do a lot of people think that the cycle alone will cut them up or maybe am i wrong and those particular cycles containing winny, tren, prop, oxandrolone etc really help to lose fat?
I mean, i always tought that the steroids just allowed the user to retain/build muscle on a low calorie/restricted calorie diet and not lose it.
With all steroids acheiving this purpose but with the cutting ones preferred over the "bulking ones due to less aromatization thus less water held sub-cut and also often due to high androgen/dht levels in drugs such as proviron/winny/mast causing that dry to the bone look.
So for people who dont compete and do not intend to diet to that extreme 4% level, ANY steroid could be used - and successfully - for “cutting”, as even cypionate with a decent diet and BF% of 8-10% even with its water would look fantastic on a “normal” non-competing bloke on the beach?
So for the people who actually know the answer, which is it? do the non-competing folk actually need to design a cutting cycle or can they use any old fucking cycle and concentrate on their discipline with diet and cardio, or is there a reason to use those particular drugs in weight loss?
As far as I’ve understood certain anabolics have shown potential in getting rid of visceral fat so favouring stuff like that might be more useful than others.
Joe by and large you hit the nail on the head. There is no such thing as a cutting cycle, just as there truly is not any such thing as a bulking cycle. You can put a guy on a gram of Test and 500mg of Nandrolone a week but feed him like a bird and he won’t bulk up. Equally true you can put a guy on prop/tren/mast and feed him pizza and beer all day long and despite the smile on his face from all the pizza and beer he won’t get cut.
“Bulkers” per se do aromatize more and “cutters” per se less. But without question with the proper diet and exercise regime you can cut on Deca and Cyp. Just as you can bulk with Prop and Tren.
[quote]sapasion wrote:
Joe by and large you hit the nail on the head. There is no such thing as a cutting cycle, just as there truly is not any such thing as a bulking cycle. You can put a guy on a gram of Test and 500mg of Nandrolone a week but feed him like a bird and he won’t bulk up. Equally true you can put a guy on prop/tren/mast and feed him pizza and beer all day long and despite the smile on his face from all the pizza and beer he won’t get cut.
“Bulkers” per se do aromatize more and “cutters” per se less. But without question with the proper diet and exercise regime you can cut on Deca and Cyp. Just as you can bulk with Prop and Tren.[/quote]
Thanks fella! I suspected this of course but wanted someone who really knew to confirm. You’re a good lad, cheers!
concerning my post in this thread surely there are certain anabolics one should favour if his aim is to ‘cut’, or is the difference just so minimal that it doesn’t really matter?
certain anabolics do aid in fat loss but it is not as important as diet while on them. the ones that bind strongly to the AR are thought to aid in lipolysis.
concerning my post in this thread surely there are certain anabolics one should favour if his aim is to ‘cut’, or is the difference just so minimal that it doesn’t really matter?[/quote]
Yeah its like FG said. If you took two identical twins and feed them the same and trained them the same and you put one on tren ace and masteron and the other one deca and dbol you would expect to get better “cutting” results with the tren and mast twin. No by no means do I advocate those stacks the point was merely that some products have a greater likelihood of keeping you looking lean, provided the rest of your equation, namely you diet is in check. Bodyfat reduction has always been about diet first, training second and substances you put in your body third.