Hi guys, I am 29 years old, 92 kg.
Two months ago, I started injecting 125 mg of test-E every five days. Symptoms: depression, anxiety, negative obsessive thoughts all the time, no libido, emotionally numb, no energy, low desire, general apathy etc. One year ago by my psycho I was put on 60 mg of Cymbalta and 300 mg of Luvox. Currently on 30 mg of cymbalta (slow taper)and 300 mg of luvox. Below are my pre TRT blood tests:
E2-49 pmol/L (94.8-223)
FSH-6.1 IU/L (1.5-12.4)
LH-4.2 IU/L (1.7-8.6)
Progesteron-0.6 nmol/L (0.7-4.3)
Prolactin-432 mIUL (86-324)
DHEA-S-17.95 umol/L (4.34-12.20)
Total testosterone-13 nmol/L (8.6-29.0)
SHBG-26.6 nmol/L (18.3-54.1)
Free testosterone-0.271 nmol/L (0.091-0.579)
Cortisol-649 nmol/L (171-536)
TSH-1.56 mIU/L (0.40-4.00)
fT4-17.3 pmol/L (12-22)
Below are my blood tests after 7 weeks of being on TRT protocol (125 mg of Test-E every five days):
E2-192 pmol/L (94.8-223), previous-49 pmol/L
FSH < 0.100 IU/L
LH < 0.100 IU/L
Prolactin-565 mIU/L (86-324), previous-432 mIU/L
Total test.-30.2 nmol/L (8.6-29.0), previous-13 nmol/L
SHBG-14.5 nmol/L (18.3-54.1), previous-26.6 nmol/L
Free test.-0.908 nmol/L (0.091-0.579), prev.-0.271 nmol/L
Cortisol-465 nmol/L (171-536), prev.-465 nmol/L
TSH-1.34 mIU/L (0.35-4.94), prev.-1.56 mIU/L
fT3-4.2 pmol/L (3.1-6.8)
ft4-12.9 pmol/L (12-22), prev.-17.3 pmol/L
As you can see, my testosterone levels have increased significantly including E2 levels, but except constant morning woods and increased strength at the gym I don’t feel any better. I am still tired, depressed (even more than before), negative obsessive thoughts still in my mind, no libido, no energy etc. What do you think about my new blood tests after 7 weeks on TRT and what do you think about my current protocol ? Does it need adjustment or should I stick with the same protocol ? If you need more info, please be free to ask Thank you in advance.