Opinions of Cut

firstly ill introduce myself, been lifting for about three and a half years, currently weighing 220 at 6’2 about 15%bf.
before i got into the gym i was quite overweight, lost about 26 pounds and then began weight training.
I’ve got more serious about bodybuilding for physique purposes as time wore on.

this year decided id get really lean as I’ve never really had proper set of abs to show.
i started the first week of january and lost about 14 pounds since then.
I’ve decided due to being highly mesomorphic… can gain muscle but always some fat and always hard to cut that my calories would start a lot lower then usual. I’m at 250g protein and 100g fat per day divided into five meals. i do cardio for half hour 4 times a week with hr under 130 always. I’m in the gym 5 days a week with a traditional body part split

a few questions i have are, firstly are these calories too low? i know it seems quite low and I’m doubting myself quite a bit for this.
what I’m considering is when i drop another 6 or so pounds add 50g carbs post workout in the form of oats, then another 4 pounds and 50g carbs pre bed- i find it helps me sleep and don’t buy into the carbs at night make you fat myth

thanks for all the info provided by others already. especially yourself stu as I’ve gone though your threads at least 4 or 5 times for all the tips i can get

you’re not eating any carbs?

you said you are eating 250g protein and 100g of fat…which is 1900 calories at 220.

if this is all truly accurate in my opinion I’d spend quite a bit of time slowly introducing carbs.

maybe drop the fat to 80ish to start and add in 50g of carbs.

Then slowly add in weekly or bi weekly like 10g of carbs until you are eating atleast 2600 calories before you continue your cut.

that is what I would do, because less than 2000 calories at your weight at 15% isn’t right and you shouldn’t continue cutting in my opinion.

no not eating any carbs, like i was saying i respond best to low no carbs for the process of dropping weight. besides the fact that carbs actually make me quite sluggish, i find that going no carb rather then having some carbs e.g. 50 or 100 keeps my blood sugar steadier. has anyone else found this? i stop having any sort of cravings for carbs after a week or so, have a cheat every weekend too… one meal usually which does me.

supps wise I’m taking cla, caffeine, glutamine, bcaas, vit c, multi vit, vit d and carnitine

[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
you’re not eating any carbs?

you said you are eating 250g protein and 100g of fat…which is 1900 calories at 220.

if this is all truly accurate in my opinion I’d spend quite a bit of time slowly introducing carbs.

maybe drop the fat to 80ish to start and add in 50g of carbs.

Then slowly add in weekly or bi weekly like 10g of carbs until you are eating atleast 2600 calories before you continue your cut.

that is what I would do, because less than 2000 calories at your weight at 15% isn’t right and you shouldn’t continue cutting in my opinion.[/quote]

I agree. You are leaving yourself absolutely no room to progress. How will you take out more calories once your progress stalls(Bad idea)? Add in more cardio(more muscle loss)?

Males in the iron game shouldn’t be eating any less than 2500 calories unless there is a specific reason(few weeks out from a show might be the exception).

Edit: If you are going the no carb route, you need to add in a lot more fats. Coconut oil, avocados, olives, nuts and eggs will be your best friends.

Where’s Chris asking what you ate yesterday?

I’d also like to hear what Lifticus would say on this one, since he seems to feel the same way you do about carbs. I think his weight/bf is similar to yours too.

If you’re prone to gaining fat easily, I would say calling yourself “highly mesomorphic” is inaccurate. You have pictures?

Finally, I have to disagree with carbs before bed. If you’re inserting carbs into your diet twice a day, post workout makes sense for 1. Pre-bed does not. What about pre-workout?