How Does This Plan Look?

I have to rush this post as I have to go, sorry about this I’ll reply in detail if needed later. Just wanted to get this out there. I’m changing my diet blah blah cutting. I weigh 195~ carb depleted with 10-12% bodyfat, going to cut for 7 more weeks looking to get down as lean as possible blah blah.

Hows this for a breakdown in calories? Or atleast have these numbers to shoot for. I thought the protein was a little high and the fat a little low. Anyone comment? Sorry for the shortness of this post, I’ll respond later.

I probably wont be able to get that many carbs in the day, so that might be a little bit lower than planed more in the 40-70 range for non training and training respectively.

Carbs are eaten only post workout/morning with a good chunk of them coming from Surge. Gotta go, thanks for any replys

100 training (400kcal)

70 nontraining (280Kcal)

Protein 1.5xBW

390 (1560kcal)


90g (540kcal)

2500 Calories