Only Romney Can Save Mccain

McCain needs Romney to win, otherwise he is going to get steamrolled.


Please not Pawlenty. He’s been all over the place here in MN. It’s a rough state for a republican but he has let the libs in the state congress and in the met council run all over us in a couple instances.

And all those fat german girls love Tyrone.

All you need to is cross 8 mile in Detroit to see what the Great Lakes region is all about.

Lean slim Tyrone in the passenger seat of the ford escort with 300 lb Olga.

Shit look at the Netherlands, that’s how everywhere is.

[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
I do not understand why MN is a blue state.

That state is composed of some of the purest elements of Germanic racial stock found in this nation. Left-leaning political affiliations would seem to be very unbefitting to such a heritage.

Leave the Democratic Party to the Jews in NYC and the Hispanics in Cali/FLA. [/quote]

Quoted for stupidity.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Nominal Prospect wrote:
I do not understand why MN is a blue state.

That state is composed of some of the purest elements of Germanic racial stock found in this nation. Left-leaning political affiliations would seem to be very unbefitting to such a heritage.

Leave the Democratic Party to the Jews in NYC and the Hispanics in Cali/FLA.

Quoted for stupidity.[/quote]


This thread tanked faster than if I had posted in it.

[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:

I do not understand why MN is a blue state.

That state is composed of some of the purest elements of Germanic racial stock found in this nation. Left-leaning political affiliations would seem to be very unbefitting to such a heritage.

Leave the Democratic Party to the Jews in NYC and the Hispanics in Cali/FLA. [/quote]

Your racist trash still isn’t welcome or tolerated here, Al Shades. Run along.

[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
I do not understand why MN is a blue state.

That state is composed of some of the purest elements of Germanic racial stock found in this nation. Left-leaning political affiliations would seem to be very unbefitting to such a heritage.

Leave the Democratic Party to the Jews in NYC and the Hispanics in Cali/FLA. [/quote]

What does being German have to do with how one votes in America? I thought we are all Americans.

My family came here as refugees, in the 1970s. I love this country and the opportunities it has given to us. It is an honor to vote. How does being a German, Jew, or Hispanic have anything to do with that?

[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
I do not understand why MN is a blue state.

That state is composed of some of the purest elements of Germanic racial stock found in this nation. Left-leaning political affiliations would seem to be very unbefitting to such a heritage.

Leave the Democratic Party to the Jews in NYC and the Hispanics in Cali/FLA. [/quote]

You got me, but it’s getting rediculous. I guess large teachers and other unions? Still strong agriculture?

Taxes are insane, the met council is out of control, and businesses are leaving at a pretty good clip.

Sorry for stealing the thread. I don’t see anyone better than Romney right now.

Are you guys saying that McCain may be willing to write-off the Evangelical Vote? (Because picking Romney will surely do that)…OR

Has McCain written off their Vote already?


By the way…

Forget media reports that Evangelicals have made some fundamental shift to issues like the environment, poverty. etc. and away from issues like abortion, gay rights, etc.

Its a spin that sounds good, but fundamentally is not true.


[quote]Mick28 wrote:

And…as long as we’re on the topic of VP’s Obama’s best pick would be Sam Nunn. He has age, plenty of foreign policy experience and he would balance out the ticket nicely…sort of like LBJ did for JFK. [/quote]

I like Sam Nunn quite a bit, independent of any VP considerations floating about (I do think he would be good at it, btw) but I think this post sums one take on why he wouldn’t be a good fit for Obama:

[i]Could The Democrats Seriously Run Obama-Nunn?

Democrats on Capitol Hill are mentioning that they’re hearing from the Obama campaign that former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn is on the list to be Obama’s running mate.

Perhaps Nunn could renounce all of his previous positions. But if he didn’t, would the Democratic base be comfortable with a potential vice president who opposed Bill Clinton’s plan to raise taxes, opposed gays in the military, supports school prayer, supports a balanced budget amendment, voted against prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation, voted in favor of abstinence education, opposed requirements for ethanol in gasoline, supports a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit flag burning, supports limits on death penalty appeals, limits on punitive damage awards, voted to overturn Bill Clinton’s veto of the partial-birth abortion ban in 1996, once supported a Constitutional amendment to ban abortion, supported capital gains tax cuts as long as they were coupled to deficit-reducing measures, was once a member of a restricted country club, and was a member of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council?

And who would, at age 70, pretty much take the “age” card away from the Democrats?

How odd would it be to have a ticket of a man who ran his first political race in 1996, and a man who ran his last political race in 1990?

I like Sam Nunn. But how many liberals would be slack-jawed at the thought of a running mate who had spent most of his legislative career voting against the ideas that make up the Obama vision?

Barack Obama, I hope, will live a long, healthy, and happy life. But suppose that, heaven forbid, at some point during his presidency, Obama is unable to complete his term. Does this mean that all of the progressives currently thrilled at the thought of a genuine progressive, with a down-the-line liberal voting record articulating the case for activist government will get… the most conservative Democrat since… tax-cutting hawk John Kennedy? Harry Truman?

And if the solid, experienced national security expert who’s been in Congress forever is what you’re looking for in a vice president… why do you not want it as president on the other side of the aisle?[/i]

I think the last paragraph is the clincher.

Wow Mick, you changed your mind about Romney.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Here’s what McCain needs to do to win:

He needs to take advantage of the fact that many women need only a bit of a push to vote for McCain. They are still pretty ticked off that a woman came so close to the Presidency only to be denied by yet…another man. But they have not been given sufficient reason to crossover and vote for the Republican. But if McCain is smart he’ll give them that reason by choosing a woman as his VP. One possibility is Kay Baily Huchinson from Texas. She’s a very smart conservative. She could also deliver 34 electoral votes from Texas. There are other qualified women who would do as well.


Good point. It is also reasonable to think that McCain will not be running for a second term so who ever he chooses as a VP would be a solid competitor for the nomination in 4 years.

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
Gov. Mitt Romney meets a medical marijuana patient--Oct. 6 - YouTube [/quote]

Total doucebag! Is anyone surprised?

But who is going to save us from McCain?

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
there are no large groups of conservatives that I’m aware of who want anyone by the name of “Barack” as the next President.[/quote]

Barack Hussein Obama. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Zeppelin795 wrote:
But who is going to save us from McCain?[/quote]

Who is going to save us from any politician. They all suck.