Online TRT clinic for SubQ

I’m 51 and have been feeling pretty low for a long time. I just had my bloodwork done twice and my T levels are around 280. I went through the intake and had an appointment with a doctor on Henrys meds and he said I was a good candidate. They only do IM injections, and I really don’t want to deal with that if I don’t have to. I’ve searched a lot, and most providers don’t say whether they offer subq injections or not. Any recommendations for an online clinic for subq injections?

If it’s online, they’re not doing the injections…

From what I understand very few brands specifically state for Subq, almost always IM, but you can just inject it Subq. FWIW I don’t personally rate Subq, what’s your concern with IM?

As @alex_uk stated, they won’t know a difference. Pin it how you want.

I didn’t know if you could inject either way depending on what type is prescribed. I just thought IM injections would suck. I’ve watched some videos since I posted, it doesn’t look bad. I originally thought you had to use a 1 1/2in 18ga needle.

If your pretty lean you can get away with 27x1/2" or worst case 25x1"
Don’t fear the IM!!!

No that’s crazy. I still use 23ga needles because the never bother me but most use 25ga or higher. It’s really no big deal. After you first couple pins it’s just a chore like shaving.

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