Lets start with stats.
Age: 29
Height: 68inch (5’8)
Weight: 210lb
1-3: Winstrol (50mg ED)
1-12: Sustanon 250 (Twice a week)
1-12: EQ (Twice a week)
10-12: Winstrol (50mg ED)
Training: 10+ years (some isolation, MOSTLY compound lifts, Crossfit), 5-6days a week (depending on how I ate/rested/feel)
Started lifting when I was in middleschool (where I got my permanent strechmarks after blowing up in less than 3months). I joined the Army when I was 21 and after bootcamp I was 160lb. This is where I started my base - fast forward to couple deployments and I am now 195lb @ 15% BF. I could never get past this barrier, I bulk, then cut, I still end up around here. I thought I’ve reached my max. Gym coach suggested I try cycle. Researched, talked to peepz, scanned forums then gave in. Started 2nd week of Jan. 2 weeks prior, I started eating alot (because of holiday) and put on an extra baggage (202LB @ no clue what % BF) - I’m now 3 weeks in… at 211 LB.
My lifts has been through the roof, specially after gaining weight (which I always put this by law: mass = strength)
Bench - 295 to 335LB
DL - 455 to 485LB
Squat - 405 to (TBD)
Press - 175 to (TBD)
(Records below if it matters:)
Cleans - 245 to 285LB
Overhead Squat - 175 to (TBD)
I do Crossfit program that consist of warm-up, strength program (some olympic weights) and then Metcon. After this, i give it 10-20min of break and I hit my Wendler program with some isolation.
I have been eating anything and everything (180g of protein from shakes alone), ice cream, pizza, rice, whatever. Since my friend suggested calories are calories. I am just gaining too much, too fast. My shirts have been getting tighter everyday but I also notice that i am also putting on some carbs/fats with it. Also, my cardio just went to shit. My times have been slower and I feel like I’m carrying body armor when I run. But strength has been through the roof.
Do I stick to just calorie intake? or keep it cleaner? Your input is welcome, harsh or humble criticism.
Also I guess my goal is to get that squat to higher #. I love squat and I could never get passed 405lb.
Sorry for the long post.