I am planning on injecting winstrol and need some information. I am 5’8" 143lbs.
How often should I dose, for how long should I continue, and what else do I need to take.
I only experience was in college with T2, which I did 1cc per week for ten weeks.
Please advise.
WTF!!! not to flame bro,but why don’t you work on your diet and training first, 143lbs…C’mon surely you can add more mass naturally
And now my second question,why a Winst(R)ol only cycle? Do you have any logic you can enlighten us on as to how you made your mind up on this 1 particular drug?
I meant to delete this subject instead of submitting. I was at work and did not pay close attention to what I was doing. So ignore the typos and incompleteness.
I may weigh 143lbs, but I am in excellent condition. I just can never add weight. In college I tried T2 and went from 145 to 168 in 10 weeks. That was the only time I have been above 145. Unfortunately I stopped all activity following, and lost all gains.
I would like to gain from about 10 lbs and rip. I am small boned and currently around 10-11% bf. 10 lbs of muscle on me is very dramatic. I will admit that it is all about vanity. I just want my physique to look better.
I have 20cc now, and have access to how ever much more I need. I just need some advice on the amount, frequency, duration, and post cycle recovery. I was thinking in the neighborhood of 6-8 weeks. I would greatly appreciate any advice that will help maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.
Ok Gen,like I say I wasnt trying to flame you or anything bro…I too am small boned,and have always been thin,when I started training seriously ~5yrs. ago i weighted a whopping 135lbs. @ 5’9,I am now up to ~160lbs but it took alot of work,and food!! 145 was my real sticking point too seems like it took forever to get over that hump!