These are my Wei Rui shoes. I forget the model, challengers maybe, but they were about sixty bucks shipped. Love 'em.
Im selling a pair of size 10 nike romaleos 2 message me if its working.
I only squatted in Adidas Power Perfect 2s for a while as hip impingement meant that I couldn’t get to parallel in flats. However, after a while working on hip mobility, mainly using drills from The Supple Leopard I started doing low-bar squats in flats (Vibrams normally) with a relatively wide stance. The low-bar weight has now quickly overtaken the high-bar Oly shoes weight. So I’ll normally do one session a week in the Adidas PP2s and one session a week in flats.
I use Romaleos 2 for high-bar, front squats, bench, OHP, and obviously Oly lifts. I don’t like them for low-bar, though. I much prefer to use Oly shoes, as opposed to my ‘minimal’ style shoes.
So, just a quick update: wore the Adidas Power Perfects for every training session this week and they felt great. Had them on this morning for squat training (which was incidentally the most intense session in this mesocycle) and hit a 5 kg PR, thought I had about another 5 kg left in the tank, too.
I indeed notice, though, how the shoes shift the weight a bit more onto the toes. I’ll really actively have to focus on sitting back into the squat. Just out of curiousity: what do you folks make of doing paused squats for this purpose? I’ve been working on these again for the past few weeks as back-off sets. I am unsure, though, if they’ll help me strengthen the hole and my “sitting back” into the squat as much as box squats would.
[quote]kgildner wrote:
I indeed notice, though, how the shoes shift the weight a bit more onto the toes. I’ll really actively have to focus on sitting back into the squat. Just out of curiousity: what do you folks make of doing paused squats for this purpose? I’ve been working on these again for the past few weeks as back-off sets. I am unsure, though, if they’ll help me strengthen the hole and my “sitting back” into the squat as much as box squats would.[/quote]
Good to hear about a PR! As for strength out of the hole, personally what helped me more was quad work (high-bar squats, leg press, front squats, etc) and low back work.
I should mention though, I’ve never had a problem in the holes. my sticking point has been 4-5 inches out so take any advise with a grain of salt. Also I don’t “sit back” so much as I spread the floor. My knees have to come forward slightly b/c of my femur length so I don’t think “back, back, back” as much as “tight, tight, tight” (hips and back). If you know what I mean.
Thanks! Yeah, I suspect I’ll need to work on my quad strength overall to help that out. I find pause squats indeed help me focus a bit more on my quads at the bottom position, but I’ll be sure to throw in some more front squats, too. I’m currently doing snatch-grip deadlifts as an accessory on deadlift days and find them to help as well, especially with overall tightness in the hole position.
I’m also a long-femured mofo so it’ll be interesting trying to get used to the shoes. Thanks again for the tips.