Old T2 and HOT-ROX

Hey, Cy (or whomever knows),

I recently scored some of the old T2. I’ve read the articles about it and know it stacked well with ephedrine. What about with HOT-ROX? Any concerns or pointers? I figure it’s a good stack, but wanted to make sure.

Oh I suppose I should mention I have no health probs, etc. Age 23. I would obviously be careful regardless.


[quote]goldin wrote:
Hey Cy (or whomever knows),

I recently scored some of the old T2. I’ve read the articles about it and know it stacked well with ephedrine. What about with HOT-ROX? Any concerns or pointers? I figure it’s a good stack, but wanted to make sure.

Oh I suppose I should mention I have no health probs, etc. Age 23. I would obviously be careful regardless.



Do not combine the two. Potential side effects aside, it in part, defeats the purpose of using HOT-ROX as one of its’ mechanisms of action is stimulating endogenous thyroid hormone production.

That being said, it makes more sense to use HOT-ROX after a cycle of T2 to help restore endogenous thyroid hormone production.

Thanks, good thing I asked. I guess that leads to my next question - I’m looking to lose 20lbs of fat (5’6" 190lb 17% now). Is it worth it to use the T2 right away, or would it be a waste until I’m leaner?

I’m basically planning on a 12 week cutting program. What does 4 weeks no supplement, 4 weeks T2, 4 weeks HOT-ROX sound like? Any suggestions?

Thanks, you’re awesome.


[quote]goldin wrote:
Thanks, good thing I asked. I guess that leads to my next question - I’m looking to lose 20lbs of fat (5’6" 190lb 17% now). Is it worth it to use the T2 right away, or would it be a waste until I’m leaner?

I’m basically planning on a 12 week cutting program. What does 4 weeks no supplement, 4 weeks T2, 4 weeks HOT-ROX sound like? Any suggestions?

Thanks, you’re awesome.


It depends on how far along you are, really. If you’re just now getting a good diet and exercise program in line, save the supplements for later (<10-12%BF). If that isn’t the case, sure, begin using T2 as directed on the label, and follow it up with HOT-ROX.

ggaaaahh. I was just searching for more info on T2 and came across another HOT-ROX/T2 thread. Guess I should have looked more before posting.

It must get painful answering repetative questions.

