Ok So Here It Is

Went to the doctor today to get a prescription for Arimidex in preparation for my first cycle, also got my Test and Oestrogen levels tested (waiting for results), rock up to the chemist and the lady tells me that its $180 for my packet of 30 1mg tabs! Pretty expensive. Then she explain that Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) could be a cheaper alternative for only $50.

So my question to you guys is, can I go for the cheaper option to use through my cycle? Or should I just bite the bullet and get the Arimidex. I usually would just buy whatever I need but I am a student living outta home and money is an issue.

The other question is, I’ll only be on 100mg/week of Test Cypionate stacked with a ml of Tribolan 75mg. Should I even bother with the Arimidex or Nolva for my first cycle, my doc said he’d doubt any E sides from such a small dose of test per week anyway.

What you guys think?

EDIT: I will be tapering up to 200mg per week of Test Cyp after the first couple of weeks.

I think it’s an awful waste of time for your androgen receptors at a mere 100mg per week, but that’s just me.

Keep in mind that taking Arimidex during cycle compared to Nolvadex during cycles are for two entirely separate reasons, although it should be pretty obvious (as your doctor said) that you will likely not need either at such low doses.

I being you would wait a while longer and save up money for a better, more effective cycle.

Thanks for the reply bro, i just added an edit to the post, i will be jumping to 200mg of test and 2ml of the tribolan after the first 2 weeks, so a 4 ml shot once a week all up, still think its ok to go ahead without the anti E?

(My test is only dosed at 100mg/ml)

You should still be okay without the aromatase inhibitors. At 200mg/wk, there will definitely be better results (although I’d still personally go quite a bit higher, but it’s ultimately your cycle).

I really hope that was a typo and you don’t actually intend on doing one single 4ml injection. That would hurt!

Actually I was, you think I should split it up into two 2ml injections once ive tapered up?

I’d do both in the same night then, one in the left glute one in the right?

Thanks Contrl.

[quote]Rst wrote:
Actually I was, you think I should split it up into two 2ml injections once ive tapered up?

I’d do both in the same night then, one in the left glute one in the right?

Thanks Contrl.

If you are going to shoot something so seldom, why choose cyp over enan?

Also, I guess I don’t understand, is your doctor prescribing you your entire cycle? Or is he just really cool and hooks you up with scripts for AIs and SERMs?

If this is not HRT, then why are your doses so small?

[quote]Cortes wrote:
Rst wrote:
Actually I was, you think I should split it up into two 2ml injections once ive tapered up?

I’d do both in the same night then, one in the left glute one in the right?

Thanks Contrl.

If you are going to shoot something so seldom, why choose cyp over enan?

Also, I guess I don’t understand, is your doctor prescribing you your entire cycle? Or is he just really cool and hooks you up with scripts for AIs and SERMs?

If this is not HRT, then why are your doses so small? [/quote]

Basically im shooting Cyp over Enan cause Cyp is what I could get my hands on safely and reliably. My dose is small because it is my first cycle, remembering though that after the first two weeks i’ll be using 200mg of test cyp and 150mg of Tribolin for a total of 350mg/week. I think it should be ok for my first 10 week cycle.

Yea my doctor hooked me up with a script for Arimidex no questions asked, I told him I was going to start a run of AAS and I wanted it incase of any E sides and that I wanted to get my bloodwork done every 2 weeks. But no he didn’t supply me with the actual gear itself (I wish ;P)

Seeing the cost of the Arimidex is so high I might start the cycle and just keep the script on hand incase of any complications, instead of buying it and wasting it where I might no have needed it at all. Save it for my next cyle imo…

But yea the more feedback I can get about jumping in without anti-E’s on hand at this dosage of test the better.

Thanks again.

[quote]Rst wrote:

Yea my doctor hooked me up with a script for Arimidex no questions asked, I told him I was going to start a run of AAS and I wanted it incase of any E sides and that I wanted to get my bloodwork done every 2 weeks. But no he didn’t supply me with the actual gear itself (I wish ;P)


Interesting. So what’d he say? “Okay, here you go?”

I think you should hold off on your cycle. You still don’t really have enough to do it “right.” I think that later you will regret it. Just my opinion, of course.

  1. You can find Arimidex much cheaper online. I’ve seen if for less than $1 / mg.
  2. You can use a lower dose than 1/mg day. A lot of people suggest that as little as .25 mg/day is almost as effective as 1 mg /day.

But you also have to understand that he lives in Australia, and customs there are very strict and very effective in catching AAS/peptides/AI/SERMs.

I do have to say though, OP. If this is really going to be your first dose, you should make it at a higher dose. There’s no logic behind “taking it easy” the first cycle, since your androgen receptors will be fresh and no cycle after that will ever quite yield the same results.

[quote]Contrl wrote:
But you also have to understand that he lives in Australia, and customs there are very strict and very effective in catching AAS/peptides/AI/SERMs.

I do have to say though, OP. If this is really going to be your first dose, you should make it at a higher dose. There’s no logic behind “taking it easy” the first cycle, since your androgen receptors will be fresh and no cycle after that will ever quite yield the same results.[/quote]

Thats right, forget ordering anything much off the net where I live, its just too tight with customs here.

I’m really pumped to do this cycle to be honest, and I really dont know when the next time i’ll be able to get my hands on more gear will be. If I sit and leave what I got in my room now, I could be waiting a loonngg time. Also I still got another year of study, I dont really have money to spend (I was lucky the way I got this gear), and I wont until I begin work (all my money goes to food). I dont really wanna wait the better half of another year before giving this a go.

But yea back to the topic, start the cycle without the A-dex? yay or nay?
