Off The Beaten Path Pump Up Songs

Hey everyone, I know there are threads discussing favorite pump up songs etc. However, I was wondering if some people had more “unique” stuff on their ipods. By unique I do not mean necessarily popularity in general culture but uniqueness to have on one’s ipod. For example I have.

Clint Mansell’s → Requiem for a dream - YouTube

For those that like hip/hop - Requiem for a Dream Hip Hop Remix - YouTube

And of course the al pacino speech - Al Pacino's Inspirational Speech - YouTube

Do not know if people here would find it weird and unique but, everyone I know does. I have a playlist on my Ipod of training movie montages (rocky 4, etc.) It really helps when doing cardio and sled dragging.

This song with headphones on and the volume up makes me want to punch orphans in the face, in the nicest way possible.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:

This song with headphones on and the volume up makes me want to punch orphans in the face, in the nicest way possible.[/quote]
U must be freakin psychotic for listening to this, I seriously almost had a seizure.

[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:

This song with headphones on and the volume up makes me want to punch orphans in the face, in the nicest way possible.[/quote]

i completely understand, it made me want to punch you in the face.

I actually laughed out loud to the two follow-up posts. Nice.

There was only one good scene in Requiem for a Dream. And here’s part of it:

Here’s one the OP might like:

Btw, that’s a great pump-up movie, if you’re interested.

I like these, personally.

(I’m not quite sure what “pump up” means. 1st is “powerful”, 2nd is fast-paced and energetic. IMO.)

Could’nt resist.

I’m Lebanese so I like Lebanese music, Also Ive heard somewhere once that Arabic music can help you lift better for whatever reason.

I can’t leave out the best part of that movie (thanks to Family Guy):

Could Deadlift this whole thread to this song:

And this, well enough said: