Obesity Caused By Virus

Yeah, right, just the excuse that the fat asses need.

“…may lead to an obesity vaccine, they said.”

Jesus christ, where did these “researchers” get an education? How can someone honestly believe that getting morbidly obese is attributed to any reason other than being a lazy lump that eats too much?

Nuke the fat people!

Are was honestly still looking for the reason for obesity? I know plenty of fat people, and they have no illusions as to why they are fat, and most of them seem fine with it. They know they dont wear a size 2 and they know why, and continue to do exactly what they have always done.

Regarding the study: Even if the cell is created, and able to store fat, you have to provide it with the fat to store. I have plenty of fat cells waiting to fill up… but they arent full… Now why could that be?

Everyone knows why people get/are fat. I hope this study was NOT funded by taxpayer dollars.

Yeah right. And does this virus make fat people gorge on junk food?

Because every overweight person I know does just that.

Take it easy on the researchers, guys. They said, “There are multiple causes of obesity. They range from simple overeating to genes to metabolism and perhaps viruses and infections.” Other factors may include:

  1. Laziness
  2. Bad food selection
  3. Twisting the findings of studies like this and using it as an excuse to say, “I’ll always be fat, so why bother going to the gym?”

Damn those people who do #3. Damn them.

It is great that you all keep an open mind about this.

Frankly you mostly sound like adolescent girls who hate what they fear most.

An ordinary cold virus that turns stem cells into fat cells might not explain an obesity epidemic but it could tip the scales for some who otherwise would never be obese.

If only HIV, Cancer and other life threatening diseases could be cured so easily.

Doctor: “Bad news sir. You are HIV positive. HIV can lead to your death if untreated.”

Patient: “Well what can I do? I can’t afford treatment!”

Doctor: “It’ll be tough, but as an alternative you’ll have to eat good, tasty, non greasy food. Avoid McDonalds and run about two miles every other day. IF you can do that, you will live your full life.”

Patient: “Jesus doc! My situation is hopeless! Can we explore euthanasia options?”


I used to think fat people were just lazy and ignorant. I still think that is how people get fat in the first place, but once they become fat, there is a deep seeded psychological transformation that takes place and prevents them from being logical, proactive problem solvers. It’s weird.

Ok, fat people are fat because they eat too much. Nobody is questioning that. However, it is POSSIBLE that there is some condition that makes people crave food and eat more than they need. Whether it be psychological, physiological or whatever…the question is, WHAT makes them eat so damn much? It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

Like Orion said, keep an open mind.

Just like any other “habit” overeating has many causes:

A - People just flat out dont give a crap. I have a buddy who I’ve tried to help out several times, his dad died of diabetes at like 33 years old and I’m trying to make sure the same doesnt happen to him.

He lost 50 pounds once, he weighs 275… not the good 275. I got him down to 200 back in the day, and was really excited…and then just stopped. He liked the food he was eating more before so he went back and gained an additional 25 pounds on top of it.

He’s lost 15 pounds here and there but he always just quits and goes back to the regular food he eats. In a way I kinda think he likes being “The fat guy”

B - there are definitely psychological mechanisms and people use food/size as a defense mechanism of sorts. A woman I know gained a little bit of fat after having her kids and liked the idea of being a little bit bigger in case something happened she could protect her kids more (she weighed like 115 when she had them).

This kinda got out of control, but now she is 230 or so and just eats all day, kids fully grown and always try to convince her to lose the weight she gained. But then again everyone in the family is big.

There are definitely things at work that make fat people want to be fat, and there are certainly people who have NO trouble being lean and big. People are genetically predisposed to being fatter than others for sure.

It is absolutely killer for me to get down to 6-pack body fat, while my bro-in-law maintains year round and only works out in the winter. He is also pretty freakin muscular considering he only works out hard for like 3 - 5 months out of the year.

I just find it disheartening that we are studying this instead of finding cures for REAL diseases that people have no control over.

[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:

I just find it disheartening that we are studying this instead of finding cures for REAL diseases that people have no control over.[/quote]

A) That is where the money is.

If Biotest ever develops a drug that safely cures obesity or even prevents weight gain while eating like shit we will read Atomic Dogs about TC´s problems with his private Boeing.

Assuming he´d still write them.

B) Obesity kills more people than cancer so it is a legitimate area of research.

Oh yeah - you didn’t know that? Phageus Maximus Virii.


How many more excuses will be provided for people not learning what to eat, how much to eat?

Who benefits from this kind of “news?”

Look, someone got infected!

[quote]AdamC wrote:
Ok, fat people are fat because they eat too much. Nobody is questioning that. However, it is POSSIBLE that there is some condition that makes people crave food and eat more than they need. Whether it be psychological, physiological or whatever…the question is, WHAT makes them eat so damn much? It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

Like Orion said, keep an open mind.[/quote]

"It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

no it’s not.

[quote]texasguy1 wrote:
AdamC wrote:
Ok, fat people are fat because they eat too much. Nobody is questioning that. However, it is POSSIBLE that there is some condition that makes people crave food and eat more than they need. Whether it be psychological, physiological or whatever…the question is, WHAT makes them eat so damn much? It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

Like Orion said, keep an open mind.

"It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

no it’s not. [/quote]

Oh no, it takes lots of determination, will power and reasoning.

This virus makes fat cells from stem cells, right? Well, did you know that unfilled fat cells would send signals to the brain to eat more and fill them up?

My point is that obesity isn’t just about being lazy. There are biological factors as well that have a profound effect on the body whether the brain likes it or not.

So if this virus increases fat cells that would signal the brain to gorge on food, either that person will suffer from being fat or suffer from constant unsatisfied cravings.

I hope you guys don’t get infected.

[quote]orion wrote:
texasguy1 wrote:
AdamC wrote:
Ok, fat people are fat because they eat too much. Nobody is questioning that. However, it is POSSIBLE that there is some condition that makes people crave food and eat more than they need. Whether it be psychological, physiological or whatever…the question is, WHAT makes them eat so damn much? It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

Like Orion said, keep an open mind.

"It’s too easy to say “They are all fat lazy wasters.”

no it’s not.

Oh no, it takes lots of determination, will power and reasoning.

Damn! I knew i was missing something by passing up the desserts, sweet teas and dr.peppers when i go out to eat!

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
This virus makes fat cells from stem cells, right? Well, did you know that unfilled fat cells would send signals to the brain to eat more and fill them up?

My point is that obesity isn’t just about being lazy. There are biological factors as well that have a profound effect on the body whether the brain likes it or not.

So if this virus increases fat cells that would signal the brain to gorge on food, either that person will suffer from being fat or suffer from constant unsatisfied cravings.

I hope you guys don’t get infected.[/quote]

Signal schmignal. Self will has a role as it does in everything. There is no excuse.

From the study…
He acknowledged that some people might find it hard to believe that a virus could be responsible for obesity.

“Certainly overeating has something to do with gaining weight. No doubt about that. But that is not the whole truth,” Dhurandhar said. “There are multiple causes of obesity. They range from simple overeating to genes to metabolism and perhaps viruses and infections.”
People are too busy casting judgment on other people because of their flaws. Sure, there are indeed many fat slobs who have no self discipline, but that isn’t everyone.

Combined with a lack of discipline we have plenty of people with a complete lack of knowledge, a sedentary society, an agricultural sector that has removed easy access to omega-3’s to the common person, and a societal culture of career, time pressures and many unhealthy convenience options catering to the busy worker.

Considering that humans have faults and weaknesses, it’s no small wonder that there is such an “epidemic” of fat people in society.

The path from being an everday sedentary citizen chasing an office career to that of someone who has a strong understanding of current nutritional lore as well as the time and knowledge to train intelligently is a long one.

Our society, outside of the vocal people here, simply does not value these things. Society values and financially rewards those that display the most success (by wasting money) and work the longest hours to suport those habits. This often means finding ways to spend less time shopping and cooking meals or being non-productive and visiting the gym.

Regardless, if some type of vaccination was to become available, instead of castigating the fat people taking the easy way out (as opposed to all your hard work) simply be damned happy they have found a way to be less of a burden on the health care system!

[quote]texasguy1 wrote:
If only HIV, Cancer and other life threatening diseases could be cured so easily.

Doctor: “Bad news sir. You are HIV positive. HIV can lead to your death if untreated.”

Patient: “Well what can I do? I can’t afford treatment!”

Doctor: “It’ll be tough, but as an alternative you’ll have to eat good, tasty, non greasy food. Avoid McDonalds and run about two miles every other day. IF you can do that, you will live your full life.”

Patient: “Jesus doc! My situation is hopeless! Can we explore euthanasia options?”

This is gold.

[quote]vroom wrote:
From the study…
He acknowledged that some people might find it hard to believe that a virus could be responsible for obesity.

“Certainly overeating has something to do with gaining weight. No doubt about that. But that is not the whole truth,” Dhurandhar said. “There are multiple causes of obesity. They range from simple overeating to genes to metabolism and perhaps viruses and infections.”
People are too busy casting judgment on other people because of their flaws. Sure, there are indeed many fat slobs who have no self discipline, but that isn’t everyone.

Combined with a lack of discipline we have plenty of people with a complete lack of knowledge, a sedentary society, an agricultural sector that has removed easy access to omega-3’s to the common person, and a societal culture of career, time pressures and many unhealthy convenience options catering to the busy worker.

Considering that humans have faults and weaknesses, it’s no small wonder that there is such an “epidemic” of fat people in society.

The path from being an everday sedentary citizen chasing an office career to that of someone who has a strong understanding of current nutritional lore as well as the time and knowledge to train intelligently is a long one.

Our society, outside of the vocal people here, simply does not value these things. Society values and financially rewards those that display the most success (by wasting money) and work the longest hours to suport those habits. This often means finding ways to spend less time shopping and cooking meals or being non-productive and visiting the gym.

Regardless, if some type of vaccination was to become available, instead of castigating the fat people taking the easy way out (as opposed to all your hard work) simply be damned happy they have found a way to be less of a burden on the health care system![/quote]

"He acknowledged that some people might find it hard to believe that a virus could be responsible for obesity.

“Certainly overeating has something to do with gaining weight. No doubt about that. But that is not the whole truth,” Dhurandhar said. “There are multiple causes of obesity. They range from simple overeating to genes to metabolism and perhaps viruses and infections.” "

Well isn’t that just convenient.

“I am sure you will not believe my bullshit findings, so I am going to be a salesman for a second and cover your objections before you do, thus putting them back on you and seemingly discrediting your disbelief while validating my bs because now that i’ve said it first, you can’t argue with me. Damn I’m smart. This must be why i’m a doctor.”

Dr. Dhurandhar