Obama's Allies

It certainly appears that Obama is re-imagining our nations alliances. It seems obvious that Obama has decided that he does not have much use for our alliance with the UK.



We knew where he stood on Israel during the campaign, but he managed to lie effectively enough to grab the Jewish vote and glide into office with his anti-semitic agenda intact and barely concealed. And in his first month he earmarks (though the UN) $900 million for Hamas. And he certainly wants to chat them up.

We have Hugo Chavez recognizing Obama’s socialist beliefs, inviting him to go the route and take the US all the way to a complete socialist state.


It looks like his friends as president will be a lot like his friends throughout his life. Anyone suprised?

Got Hope? Ha. This administration, this PRESIDENT, is an abomination. May his reign be short. Can you impeach the president if you realize he’s against every tenet this nation was founded upon?

Conviction can result only if 2/3 of the Senate can be convinced that the matters in question are treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of conviction.

However being impeached, as for example Clinton was, requires no proof of anything, only a statement of charges. Without conviction it does not remove anyone.

Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

[quote]ProwlCat wrote:

We knew where he stood on Israel during the campaign, but he managed to lie effectively enough to grab the Jewish vote and glide into office with his anti-semitic agenda intact and barely concealed.

Are you still making these moronic charges? His envoy to Iran is Dennis Ross! Does that mean anything to you? Probably not.

[quote]pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way. That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.

After Obama Hussein talks up the Taliban America and the Taiban will be best friends and allies. All problems will dissolve, forgiveness will reign and we’ll have new allies.

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
ProwlCat wrote:

We knew where he stood on Israel during the campaign, but he managed to lie effectively enough to grab the Jewish vote and glide into office with his anti-semitic agenda intact and barely concealed.

Are you still making these moronic charges? His envoy to Iran is Dennis Ross! Does that mean anything to you? Probably not.

Yeah. It means that our envoy to Isreal supports a divided Jerusalem.

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way.

That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.[/quote]

Wow. You can justify anything this guy does, can’t you? I think we should just start asking: What can Obama possibly do that may cause you to second guess his genius? Since you mentioned it, give us some of the good reasons to not like Obama.

[quote]Gregus wrote:
After Obama Hussein talks up the Taliban America and the Taiban will be best friends and allies. All problems will dissolve, forgiveness will reign and we’ll have new allies. [/quote]

It seems that Hussein feels that the best policy is make our enemies our friends. Certainly a unique approach. I think the last world leader to try it was Neville Chamberlain. Hell, Obama may as well we be using Chamberlain’s words:

?We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will.

I cannot believe that such a program would be rejected by the people of this country, even if it does mean the establishment of personal contact with the dictators.?


And the hits just keep on coming!

[quote]ProwlCat wrote:
GDollars37 wrote:
pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way. That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.

Wow. You can justify anything this guy does, can’t you? I think we should just start asking: What can Obama possibly do that may cause you to second guess his genius? Since you mentioned it, give us some of the good reasons to not like Obama. [/quote]

Free trade (I’m an agnostic here, but he ran on “American jobs”, which was BS)
Gun control (although I doubt he’ll do anything serious about it)
Stem cell research
Supports Ukraine and Georgia in NATO, which is idiotic
Potentially very interventionist overseas
Gay rights agenda that is on a collision course with freedom of religion
Not a “Marxist”, which should be obvious, but more statist than most
Supported the TARP and now has his own terrible stimulus bill
As slavishly pro-Israel as everyone else (contrary to whatever partisan crap you’re reading)

The difference between us is I dislike Obama for things he has actually said and/or stands for, as opposed to positions he does not hold that are invented by lying pundits and hacks. I’d urge you to read books and journalists who have at least a marginal interest in finding the truth.

[quote]ProwlCat wrote:
GDollars37 wrote:
ProwlCat wrote:

We knew where he stood on Israel during the campaign, but he managed to lie effectively enough to grab the Jewish vote and glide into office with his anti-semitic agenda intact and barely concealed.

Are you still making these moronic charges? His envoy to Iran is Dennis Ross! Does that mean anything to you? Probably not.

Yeah. It means that our envoy to Isreal supports a divided Jerusalem.


That’s actually debatable, but regardless, he was also at WINEP, signed the PNAC letter in support of the Iraq War, and headed a Jewish Agency think tank. By any reasonable measure he should be required to register as a foreign agent. And yet you think his boss has an “anti-semitic agenda.” Mind-blowing.

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
ProwlCat wrote:
GDollars37 wrote:
pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way. That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.

Wow. You can justify anything this guy does, can’t you? I think we should just start asking: What can Obama possibly do that may cause you to second guess his genius? Since you mentioned it, give us some of the good reasons to not like Obama.

Free trade (I’m an agnostic here, but he ran on “American jobs”, which was BS)
Gun control (although I doubt he’ll do anything serious about it)
Stem cell research
Supports Ukraine and Georgia in NATO, which is idiotic
Potentially very interventionist overseas
Gay rights agenda that is on a collision course with freedom of religion
Not a “Marxist”, which should be obvious, but more statist than most
Supported the TARP and now has his own terrible stimulus bill
As slavishly pro-Israel as everyone else (contrary to whatever partisan crap you’re reading)

The difference between us is I dislike Obama for things he has actually said and/or stands for, as opposed to positions he does not hold that are invented by lying pundits and hacks. I’d urge you to read books and journalists who have at least a marginal interest in finding the truth.[/quote]

I agree with most of your list. Although, in my opinion, it’s worse then you think. He’s most of what you think he is not. I simply hold the view that he’s the worst thing that could have happened to our county: Wrong man. Wrong place. Wrong time.

I believe he’s not a Marxist but holds the opinion that a more socialist America is a good and natural thing. I think he’s potentially very dangerous on trade, as I think his foreign policy is both dangerous and inept.

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way. That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.[/quote]

I supposed we should have negotiated with Hitler too?

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
ProwlCat wrote:
GDollars37 wrote:
pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way.

That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.

Wow. You can justify anything this guy does, can’t you? I think we should just start asking: What can Obama possibly do that may cause you to second guess his genius? Since you mentioned it, give us some of the good reasons to not like Obama.

Free trade (I’m an agnostic here, but he ran on “American jobs”, which was BS)
Gun control (although I doubt he’ll do anything serious about it)
Stem cell research
Supports Ukraine and Georgia in NATO, which is idiotic
Potentially very interventionist overseas
Gay rights agenda that is on a collision course with freedom of religion
Not a “Marxist”, which should be obvious, but more statist than most
Supported the TARP and now has his own terrible stimulus bill
As slavishly pro-Israel as everyone else (contrary to whatever partisan crap you’re reading)

The difference between us is I dislike Obama for things he has actually said and/or stands for, as opposed to positions he does not hold that are invented by lying pundits and hacks. I’d urge you to read books and journalists who have at least a marginal interest in finding the truth.[/quote]

That list is correct, but budding up with the taliban should be on there…It is a very dangerous game he is playing. Those people are not our friends, giving them an opportunity to hold power and legitimize them in anyway will in fact enable them to attack us again.

The taliban is radical by definition, their only solution to our existence is death. It is what they say, preach and do. There is just no excuse for it.

[quote]ProwlCat wrote:

I believe he’s not a Marxist [/quote]


Which plank of the Communist Manifesto would you say he opposes?

Do we have a quote of his that is inconsistent with being a Marxist seeking election in the United States?

Enquiring minds want to know. (I don’t know for a fact you may not be able to come up with something, but just have no idea what it would be.)

Anyway, back to the original topic: Extreme leftists ordinarily, for some psychological reason, take great pleasure in the thought of American defeat and/or humiliation. Having orgasms while chanting “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, the NLF is going to WIN!” and so forth.

Perhaps – I don’t know – the reason is that they think America being defeated and humiliated in the world proves them right or proves their philosophies right.

Thus, for example, with South Vietnam still standing and still militarily capable, but needing continued support of being supplied with arms and so forth and HAVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE US TO RECEIVE SUCH, and US troops already withdrawn, it would never do for leftists to agree to continue providing that.

Maybe South Vietnam would manage to stand! Whereas, if we leftist in Congress vote to refuse to continue providing them with arms, perhaps they will fall to the Communists! HOORAY!

Never underestimate the power of leftists to generate American defeat.

Obama can prove Bush wrong by proving that Afghanistan just wound up back in the hands of the Taliban anyway. That would be super cool!

I choose to believe he’s not a Maxist simply because he’s the President of the United States. I hope we’re not that stupid, althought I suspect we might be.

[quote]ProwlCat wrote:
I choose to believe he’s not a Maxist simply because he’s the President of the United States. I hope we’re not that stupid, althought I suspect we might be.


I ahve lost the hope that he may have meant what he said about finding common ground. It seems now, that he may not be purly marxist, but he definitely has leanings that way, and he has no room for compromise. His idea of compromise is you agreeing with him.

GDollars37 wrote: Are you still making these moronic charges? His envoy to Iran is Dennis Ross! Does that mean anything to you? Probably not.

About all I know is that Dennis Ross had written some papers a year or so ago to the effect that we should engage Iran diplomatically. Then, according to an essay on Jewish World Review, the Iranians
refused to seat him becuase he is Jewish.

[quote]pat wrote:
GDollars37 wrote:
pat wrote:
Don’t forget he’s buddying up with the taliban…We to reach out to them you know…He is a fool.

Um, yeah, we should be reaching out to reconcilable Taliban when possible to help us get to some messy solution over there. Ahmed Rashid, who is in more danger of having his head chopped off than most Pakistanis, feels that way. That’s how you “win” these wars. SOI? Anbar Awakening? Chieu Hoi? Do any of these mean anything to you? Doubt it somehow.

There are a lot of good reasons not to like Obama and where he’ll take us. This is not one of them.

I supposed we should have negotiated with Hitler too?[/quote]

Instead of just supply him with stuff?

USA was very close to joining Hitler. As usual, waiting to see which side was going to win before joining in.