Obama / Hillary Debate

Anyone watch? It was way too late over here, but I’ve been reading the reactions. Who do you think won? Any major gaffes?

Seems to me the consensus was Hillary did better, but there’s some disagreement.

Here are some of the live blogs I reviewed:



Series of posts: http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=YjcwZGE3ZWJhZjE3NDY1NWQ3ZTE1M2IxYzQ3YjlkMzg= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NThlOTJmYmZkZmRiMjQwMDhjOGRlZDJkMDg5MjMxNTA= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MmNkY2E1NWRkMjljODZiOTVkMDcxNmE1OTY2YzZkYmI= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MTQ5ZDgxMDU2YTZmYzNmYTUzMzJkZjJkZTIzN2VjN2Q= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=YzI0NjI2ODk2YjI2ZGNhZTI4OTYxNzQwNzJmNDY5ZTI= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZmUzNGIzZTk5YzIzZWNmNjZjYTFhNTg1ODk0ZjUwZjI= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ODdmMTRhZjYwY2U4ZjAxYzAxNWNkNDMxNWI3ZjdiNjk= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZTY1MDNmYTAyMjc0YmFjZWZlMjg1NTk2OTk3Yzc2NDM= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZjAwMDNhYjU1NDAwZWQyYzg1YzllZjMzYjY3MzNkOTM= ; http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZDNjYTVmM2UxYzNhOGViMDhhMDIzNmM2NmY2NTVhNDU=

Another series of posts: Hillary Obama PA Debate: Live Blog (I) - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime ; Hillary Obama PA Debate: Live Blog II - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

I didn’t watch. I had to scratch my balls and rewind my CD’s. Besides, it’s baseball season, who has time for politics?

I caught about an hour of it. I’d give the edge to Hillary. Can’t stand her but she seemed to show a lot more confidence in her answers then Obama did.

If I was one of the moderators I would have pinned them down better on answers. My follow ups would have been “Is that a Yes or NO” because the only time you heard a yes or no was when Hillary was asked if Obama could win in Nov.? Strange question for her to answer so straight. (pun intended)

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Hey there Boston…more great sites. Does t nation give you any sort of discount on products for all of your hard work?

Anyway, I thought that Hillary was certainly on the attack last night. Obama seemed flat, but then he is in the lead so he doesn’t have to be on the attack. And he also wants to look different than other politicians so perhaps it’s strategy…or he’s just not a good debater.

Was it too little too late for Hillary? Not sure.

She has to win PA by 10 in order to seriously chip into the Obama lead. But, just winning the state by 4 or 5 points will be enough for her to continue the campaign. Perception etc.

Any predictions on how she’s going to do in PA?[/quote]

I have not seen a single Hillary sign or bumper sticker. I see quite a few Obama signs around town.

I wish I had known there was a debate. You all are BAD at giving out info that actually matters.

Come on…this is the T-Nation political page, everyone knows McCain won the debate, with Reagan a close second and amazingly it was confirmed at the debate that Bill Clinton is in the bottom 3 of presidents in the history of the United States.

Stephanopoulos addresses the criticisms regarding the debate moderation:


[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Mick28 wrote:
Hey there Boston…more great sites. Does t nation give you any sort of discount on products for all of your hard work?

Anyway, I thought that Hillary was certainly on the attack last night. Obama seemed flat, but then he is in the lead so he doesn’t have to be on the attack. And he also wants to look different than other politicians so perhaps it’s strategy…or he’s just not a good debater.

Was it too little too late for Hillary? Not sure.

She has to win PA by 10 in order to seriously chip into the Obama lead. But, just winning the state by 4 or 5 points will be enough for her to continue the campaign. Perception etc.

Any predictions on how she’s going to do in PA?

I have not seen a single Hillary sign or bumper sticker. I see quite a few Obama signs around town.

That just means that the Obama people are more proud of their candidate…or it means he has more supporters.


I have also seen countless Paul signs and few McCain signs but I bet McCain gets a few more votes than Ron.