Obama and Smoking

On Meet the Press they asked Obama if he’s finally kicked the habbit of smoking and his reply (of course much more well put) was basically he’s trying hard but every now and then he’ll slip and have a cigarette. The press guy acted like it was a big deal and Obama as well spoken as he is verbally defused the situation.

My thing is who cares?!? If smoking well help relax him and in turn perform his job better which undoubetdly has to be the most high pressure job in the world let him smoke!

He’s pledged to quit the habbit but it seems like it’s to make everyone pleased but himself. He should permit smoking on the grounds of the White House and do whatever he needs to do to perform his job optimally. Even if it means smoking from time to time to calm his nerves.

Yes, I want fifteen years back in time, too.

[quote]LilDaDDyDreW wrote:
He should permit smoking on the grounds of the White House and do whatever he needs to do to perform his job optimally. Even if it means smoking from time to time to calm his nerves.[/quote]

Fuck, why not open an opium den too? It’s Obama…nothing he does will ever be wrong anyway. I find it funny this is even a topic of discussion for anyone.

He’ll ban smoking. :wink:

as much as i do not like obama…i cannot legitimately say this is a real issue.

I’m with SD, this is a total non-issue. If we’re looking for people for office who’ve never fucked up, we’re going to be left with total liars, hypocrits, and dweebs to lead us.

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
LilDaDDyDreW wrote:
He should permit smoking on the grounds of the White House and do whatever he needs to do to perform his job optimally. Even if it means smoking from time to time to calm his nerves.

Fuck, why not open an opium den too? It’s Obama…nothing he does will ever be wrong anyway. I find it funny this is even a topic of discussion for anyone.[/quote]

Dude, finger on the button and stuff.

Cigarettes, booze, regular blowjobs.

Whatever else he may be, your president he is.

Get the picture?

It’s a topic of discussion because it sparks reactions like “why doesn’t he open an opium den too?” It SHOULD be a non-issue, he should stop trying to make everyone happy and change the Clinton adm. policy of non-smoking and smoke! No one SHOULD give a fuck, but he wants to keep people like Rockscar happy, even though they could truly care less.

I had to chuckle a little when I broke it to a friend of mine who voted for Obama. He was legitimately disappointed. I personally don’t care if he smokes a carton per day- just do your job in observance of the laws of the constitution.

This has little to do with whether someone will be a good president. That’s an issue of good brains good policies, and good people skills.

Nonetheless, someone with the strength and moral fibre to successfully battle their demons and bad habits inspires confidence. Of course, doesn’t mean they’ll be a good president.

The president’s health is also a matter of public concern. Though any disesases Obama does or does not get as a result of smoking will likely not arise until after his presidency.

[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:
as much as i do not like obama…i cannot legitimately say this is a real issue.[/quote]

I agree with that.

I don’t think it matters much, but it does pose an image contradiction - on one hand, the transformational Messiah-like figure, and on the other, the guy that has to step outside to catch a smoke break every hour or two.

It presents an image of weakness and anxiety - but it’s not like he will be doing it during a press conference.

Health issues? Could be an issue, as it can strike any time, but he is a young guy who will likely, as Jsbrook notes, suffer those health effects later in life.

stupid thread.

The rate of alcoholism amongst presidents and world leaders throughout history is probably several times higher than that seen in the general population. It’s one of the most stressful jobs in the world, so I really can’t fault anyone for whatever personal vices they need to blow off some steam, so long as they don’t negatively impact performance and they aren’t grossly hypocritical about it.

Well at least he’s got free health care for life now.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
LilDaDDyDreW wrote:
On Meet the Press they asked Obama if he’s finally kicked the habbit of smoking and his reply (of course much more well put) was basically he’s trying hard but every now and then he’ll slip and have a cigarette. The press guy acted like it was a big deal and Obama as well spoken as he is verbally defused the situation.

My thing is who cares?!? If smoking well help relax him and in turn perform his job better which undoubetdly has to be the most high pressure job in the world let him smoke!

He’s pledged to quit the habbit but it seems like it’s to make everyone pleased but himself. He should permit smoking on the grounds of the White House and do whatever he needs to do to perform his job optimally. Even if it

I don’t think it’s as bad as his other habits…attending racist churches…hanging with terrorists…you know stuff like that.


And now to find out that he puffs away at his little kids and wife…shameful. “Barack, its called SECONDHAND SMOKE.”
