I’m going to be in Manhattan in a week and a half and I was hoping to pick up some Mag-10 and Hot-Rox while I was there. If anyone can steer me in the direction of a few Supp stores that carry Biotest products, I’d appreciate it. I’ll be spending a Saturday in Manhattan.
i think you’ll be able to pick up biotest at any Vitamin Shoppe. i go to the one on the corner of West 14th and 7th Ave and to the one near work around Grand Central Station. i just saw Hot Rox there yesterday at a great price and they have Methoxy and Surge. no problemo.
I’ll be staying somewhere close to Laguradia because I fly out 6:55am Sunday. I’ll check out a Vitamin Shop. I assume one will be in walking distance. I need to see a little of New York, so I don’t mind to much of a trek.
I’m not sure but if you are staying near the airport, there won’t be a VS near there. At least not in walking distance. If you come into Manhattan, just look online (yellow pages), there are probably 20 VS’s to choose from. I like the one downtown. (around 100 b’way) Good prices on Mag 10. Good luck and enjoy the city.
Last time I was there, the prices were terrible. I guess that’s just the city for you, though. I’ll be going back again this summer sometime and will try to mail-order to my hotel if that’s possible. Anyone ever tried this?
Thanks for all the help so far. Maybe someone can offer a little more help. I checked the VS website and there’s one in Jackson Heights. I was thinking of stopping there on my way from the port (taking a cruise) to a hotel near the airport.
Would I be better off staying somewhere else (say Manhattan) and taking a taxi to Laguardia? Or would my original plan work out? I called the VS in Jackson Heights and checked for Mag 10 and Hot Rox. They have both.