Nutrition Amounts Per Meal

A few body builders I know say to eat every 2-3 hours which i do, and not to eat moe then 50 grams of protein or carbs at one meal. Is it alright to go over that? I’m the mornings im hungry as hell espcially because i lift at 6 a.m.

He’s absolutely right, no more than 50 grams of protein or carbs per meal. No matter how big you are, what your metabolism is, how often you train/are recuperating, what sex you are, NEVER.

I get in about 75 grams of protein per meal and am growing at a steady rate despite trying to control bodyfat currently. When I was letting it loose regardless of bodyfat I was growing at a very quick rate. If you are hungry as hell then your body needs food for something, don’t deny it what it needs.

[quote]Scott M wrote:
He’s absolutely right, no more than 50 grams of protein or carbs per meal.

[quote]Scott M wrote:
I get in about 75 grams of protein per meal (…)[/quote]


how much do you weight scott m?

[quote]okaz wrote:
Scott M wrote:
He’s absolutely right, no more than 50 grams of protein or carbs per meal.

Scott M wrote:
I get in about 75 grams of protein per meal (…)



i’d be fairly confident the first statement was sarcastic…

I’ve heard about there being a limit to how much protein you can actually process in one sitting, but never seen the research to back that up. I think it’s more important to keep track of how much protein you eat in one day rather than each meal.

yea iv heard that too but iv seen people do way more then 50

[quote]Wildman90 wrote:
how much do you weight scott m?[/quote]

Currently about 210ish, trying to make my way up to 250.

Is there any sort of limit on the number of calories per meal? Obviously, in relationship to sex, weight, etc of the person. At one point, I was having a big breakfast around 1,000 calories, but I decided to cut back and spread it out a bit more.

How did that work for you? I eat about 300 or calories at 5 a.m. then i work out at 6 then take in about 300-500 more, i just started it so i cant say what the results are yet

Wildman, to clarify: in that other post, where I said “Xg of carbs might be too much at that time,” I didn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat Xg of carbs.

Instead, I wanted to suggest breaking down that one heaping serving of carbs and ingesting it over a period of time. That way, your body has a constant flow of carbs.

Nothing wrong w/ 50g of carbs, especially if your body needs it. Scott is definitely right on this.

sweet deal, i her so much different shit i ever know what to put together

50g of carbs is nothing, especially after a workout. Its not like if you eat more than 50g the rest will instantly turn to fat or something.

Yea for me its good to have limits tho cuz il keep eating. Im pretty much a beginer at nutitional shit so anything ya’ll say il listen to enless its total B.S.

Of my 7 meals on a non-training day I have 44,25,118,47,45,54 and 49 grams of protein per meal. I tend to focus on daily totals. That meal where I haev 118; its just because I have alot of chicken; its fantastic!

Gets me to around 400g a day which at weighing 185 allows me to get just over 2g per pound of bodyweight.

thats pretty hardcore, i just got off a low calorie diet so im working m ycalories up pretty slow. I just put a new post up of my diet and il chart the progress for a few months and see what happens. B rock do you notice a bit of a fat gain since your takin so many calories?