I have been on a cycle of test E for 6-7 weeks now, my firs real cycle… Anyway, I have been having numb hands and forearms at night and sometimes a little in the morning and throughout the day…
Is this a bad problem? Do I need to worry, is there anything that I can take to fix it? Is this a BP issue, are my arms getting to big? do I need asprin, more water? please help I’m a little freaked out…
They are a little cooler then usual, and the right one tends to get numb easier, still pink in the nail beds but it is a littler cooler to the touch. I have put on about 15lbs so far and hope this will pass… Since I’m a little cooler does this means I have bad circulation? Is this a big issue or is it just from gaining mass to quickly and my body trying to respond to it? Has anyone else ever had these type of symptoms on a cycle?
I have had these problems since I went over 200lb+. I went to see a neurologist, mainly because I thought it might have been a symptoms of a genetic disease that runs in my family, but he said that it was probably just the temporary impingement of some smaller nerves. I think if you have a small frame, having a lot of muscle is a little “un-natural” for your body and it takes some time to get used to it. The stretching is a great idea though.
Oh yeah your bound to run into issues when your weight dictates that your overweight to obese. A man my size should weigh 200lbs. WTF? A man my size should weight 300lbs in the off-season and 260-270 peeled.
Right on, I guess my frame was not built for this either, I’m not that big I’m only like 240lbs, none the less, these answers are a lot better then what I was thinking it could have been… I mean I have lifted and played sports my whole life and flucuated in weight from like 190 in college playing basketball up to 220lbs when I was training for MMA but never have I been this big so I guess it makes sence, and not jackin my lumber is damn near impossible right now with a pregnant wife and this damn test, shit it sure is a great way to play “stranger” though…Anyway thanks for the help everybody…
My wife had this same problem (no she wasn’t on steroids) she ended up having problems with her elbows and minor nerve damage. After surgery she was better. The doctor said it was from constant lifting , which her job requires. If it continues I would have it checked before your end up permanently injured
My hands/arms tend to fall asleep especially while on Masteron and Dbol. I haven’t had the problem while on test or deca. Maybe the androgenic qualities of those two compounds are effecting my circulation (vasoconstriction) from the CNS boosting effects they have (increased sympathetic nervous system stimulation).
My limbs, especially my juicely acquired guns, fall asleep more often than before as well. It did not happen during my other test cycles, and since it only happens during times my extremities would usually start the tingling feeling of sleepiness then I was not too worried.
It just happens sooner than normal. So if you notice that too then we are more than likely experiencing the same situation. But if it is not similar to falling asleep then you might require medical attention.
No it is just like that they start getting tingles and feel like they are falling asleep, it is not like a numbness I never had before it is just like your hand or foot falling asleep but all the time, not every second but probably most times throughout the night and then a few times during the day… especially when laying down or sitting at the computer I don’t notice it much when Im working out or on the go…
But that makes sence because my blood is pumping… At the same time I’m kinda worried because my elbow has been a little bit painfull lately so that nerve damage may be possible also… I will keep an eye on it and thanks and keep the suggestions coming…
The tingling sounds like the normal stuff everyone is getting. I do not know about the elbow pain, though. I also experience that, but that is because I have 2 long as plates and 18 screws in my left arm which equate to an elbow that looks like the surgeon may have accidentally put in two elbows on my left arm on accident. And unless you also have those same elements then I would also keep an eye or two on it.