OK thank you gentleman I may give it a go.
I agree with MaddyD’s post.
Just wanted to say that a 6 weeker of NPP/Prop is great for quality gains.
[quote]Dynamo Hum wrote:
I would think so. You can further tip the scales in your favour by frontloading. Brook frontloads short esters and claims it speeds up the time to full potency considerably even for short esters.[/quote]
I front load everything but orals.
Which would also kick faster if front loaded…but it wouldn’t be noticeably faster compared to just normal dosing…
[quote]xXDevilDogXx wrote:
I agree with MaddyD’s post.
Just wanted to say that a 6 weeker of NPP/Prop is great for quality gains.[/quote]
cant wait to try it out
[quote]HDogg65 wrote:
xXDevilDogXx wrote:
I agree with MaddyD’s post.
Just wanted to say that a 6 weeker of NPP/Prop is great for quality gains.
cant wait to try it out :)[/quote]
What dose are you planning?
[quote]HDogg65 wrote:
MaddyD wrote:
I had to play around with doses.
Did it bloat me? yes to a degree, I could feel stiff mainly in my hands and wrists.
my “sweet spot” was 200 a week alongside 500-750 test.
I went up to 400 a week Nandro and it did cause some libido issues and kind of started to mess with my head.
started having issues of self doubt and minor depression almost like during pct.
To be totaly honest it seems as though the gains I got from nandro were not that dramatic actually borderline minor,possibly due to the dose I had to take in order to not feel like crap.
if I had caber I would experiment with higher doses but I also had taken deca years ago and with a failed pct plan I was shut down for months after and I didnt want to repeat that scene again.
I did maintain weight in a calorie deficit,body recomp which is my goal now adays was as to be expected.
the thing I liked was the affect it had on my joints.
I am quite heavy and running most times is enjoyable but my reward for running at times is a few 5mg vicoden.along with a really warm salt water bath,not always but sometimes.
while on the Deca I had less issues with my ankles and hips than I do while off.
also I liked the fact I could go hit my heavy bag again without my bum wrist nagging me.a nice thing being that I love to hit things as much as i love getting hit.
that was really my best experience with it kept me nice and limber. I just recently come of and it has not cleared yet so I suppose I will let you guys know the results on weight and such after it clears and I am “dried out” a bit.
It was in the past a good bulker,not alot of agression nor huge strength gains but in me I blew me up like few compounds could.
while dieting it kept me where I should be weight wise while allowing me to do more intense stuff.
not hugely dramatic but noticeable still.
bad thing is I am currently on a lowered dose of test and I am feeling ran down, I have been told by some very knowledgeable good friends of mine that deca is one the few things that will mess with their head.
looks like I am part of that group as well.
just a feeling of poor well being,no energy,
best I can describe is that it feels like i have a touch of the flu or maybe a cold without being sick.
again I will know more once the drug clears and I can rule out anything else causing these feelings.
thats my personal take on nandrolone,
one thing I forgot to mention was the effect it had on my red blood cell production.
it would cause my hemoglobin to read really high and with that caused some blood pressure issues and some eyesight issues(blurring quite minor but still enoiugh to note)a problem that was solved by donating whole blood.
wondering if it increased your vascularity since it effected your rbc’s?
it did, I have a higher body fat than some so I dont have that many raised veins.
but it is noticeable because they get much darker in color
[quote] Brook wrote:
BenceJones wrote:
Any opinions on running NPP at around 200mg/week (on top of test, of course) for 6 weeks? Is that long enough to see some benefits from this compound?
IME it is long enough to see results from Deca - so yes.[/quote]
I also say yes.
[quote]MaddyD wrote:
HDogg65 wrote:
MaddyD wrote:
I had to play around with doses.
Did it bloat me? yes to a degree, I could feel stiff mainly in my hands and wrists.
my “sweet spot” was 200 a week alongside 500-750 test.
I went up to 400 a week Nandro and it did cause some libido issues and kind of started to mess with my head.
started having issues of self doubt and minor depression almost like during pct.
To be totaly honest it seems as though the gains I got from nandro were not that dramatic actually borderline minor,possibly due to the dose I had to take in order to not feel like crap.
if I had caber I would experiment with higher doses but I also had taken deca years ago and with a failed pct plan I was shut down for months after and I didnt want to repeat that scene again.
I did maintain weight in a calorie deficit,body recomp which is my goal now adays was as to be expected.
the thing I liked was the affect it had on my joints.
I am quite heavy and running most times is enjoyable but my reward for running at times is a few 5mg vicoden.along with a really warm salt water bath,not always but sometimes.
while on the Deca I had less issues with my ankles and hips than I do while off.
also I liked the fact I could go hit my heavy bag again without my bum wrist nagging me.a nice thing being that I love to hit things as much as i love getting hit.
that was really my best experience with it kept me nice and limber. I just recently come of and it has not cleared yet so I suppose I will let you guys know the results on weight and such after it clears and I am “dried out” a bit.
It was in the past a good bulker,not alot of agression nor huge strength gains but in me I blew me up like few compounds could.
while dieting it kept me where I should be weight wise while allowing me to do more intense stuff.
not hugely dramatic but noticeable still.
bad thing is I am currently on a lowered dose of test and I am feeling ran down, I have been told by some very knowledgeable good friends of mine that deca is one the few things that will mess with their head.
looks like I am part of that group as well.
just a feeling of poor well being,no energy,
best I can describe is that it feels like i have a touch of the flu or maybe a cold without being sick.
again I will know more once the drug clears and I can rule out anything else causing these feelings.
thats my personal take on nandrolone,
one thing I forgot to mention was the effect it had on my red blood cell production.
it would cause my hemoglobin to read really high and with that caused some blood pressure issues and some eyesight issues(blurring quite minor but still enoiugh to note)a problem that was solved by donating whole blood.
wondering if it increased your vascularity since it effected your rbc’s?
it did, I have a higher body fat than some so I dont have that many raised veins.
but it is noticeable because they get much darker in color
what was your body fat at when you ran the npp bro?
[quote]HDogg65 wrote:
MaddyD wrote:
HDogg65 wrote:
MaddyD wrote:
I had to play around with doses.
Did it bloat me? yes to a degree, I could feel stiff mainly in my hands and wrists.
my “sweet spot” was 200 a week alongside 500-750 test.
I went up to 400 a week Nandro and it did cause some libido issues and kind of started to mess with my head.
started having issues of self doubt and minor depression almost like during pct.
To be totaly honest it seems as though the gains I got from nandro were not that dramatic actually borderline minor,possibly due to the dose I had to take in order to not feel like crap.
if I had caber I would experiment with higher doses but I also had taken deca years ago and with a failed pct plan I was shut down for months after and I didnt want to repeat that scene again.
I did maintain weight in a calorie deficit,body recomp which is my goal now adays was as to be expected.
the thing I liked was the affect it had on my joints.
I am quite heavy and running most times is enjoyable but my reward for running at times is a few 5mg vicoden.along with a really warm salt water bath,not always but sometimes.
while on the Deca I had less issues with my ankles and hips than I do while off.
also I liked the fact I could go hit my heavy bag again without my bum wrist nagging me.a nice thing being that I love to hit things as much as i love getting hit.
that was really my best experience with it kept me nice and limber. I just recently come of and it has not cleared yet so I suppose I will let you guys know the results on weight and such after it clears and I am “dried out” a bit.
It was in the past a good bulker,not alot of agression nor huge strength gains but in me I blew me up like few compounds could.
while dieting it kept me where I should be weight wise while allowing me to do more intense stuff.
not hugely dramatic but noticeable still.
bad thing is I am currently on a lowered dose of test and I am feeling ran down, I have been told by some very knowledgeable good friends of mine that deca is one the few things that will mess with their head.
looks like I am part of that group as well.
just a feeling of poor well being,no energy,
best I can describe is that it feels like i have a touch of the flu or maybe a cold without being sick.
again I will know more once the drug clears and I can rule out anything else causing these feelings.
thats my personal take on nandrolone,
one thing I forgot to mention was the effect it had on my red blood cell production.
it would cause my hemoglobin to read really high and with that caused some blood pressure issues and some eyesight issues(blurring quite minor but still enoiugh to note)a problem that was solved by donating whole blood.
wondering if it increased your vascularity since it effected your rbc’s?
it did, I have a higher body fat than some so I dont have that many raised veins.
but it is noticeable because they get much darker in color
what was your body fat at when you ran the npp bro?[/quote]
nandrolone decanoate not NPP
and without going into too much detail i was 321 and 22%
if your interested in other details please PM me ok
MAGICK, did you ever start it bro
[quote]HDogg65 wrote:
MAGICK, did you ever start it bro[/quote]
No damnit,my pass was intercepted,so the game is held up right now!
ah beat bro. sorry to hear