NPP Dosages For Gaining Twenty Pounds

No at 300mg you should have seen some gains, at least water weight. Most likely your gear is bunk. I only ran the NPP for 2 weeks just to see how I react and saw notable changes.


I am starting to notice a difference the pumps this morning were insane. It was like my shoulders had swolled up a bit after my workout. Very good to know its probably not bunk since it is from Humana. So I would hope that in four weeks I would really notice a difference. And I opted to take a risk and bump the dosage up to 150 eod instead of 100 eod.

I will be starting a blast with NPP in a few weeks time so it will be interesting to see how much I can gain if ive managed to gain this much in 10 days. It is going to be a short lean bulk cycle before taking more time off.


So far not a lot of gains in size but definitely seeing the strength gains my friend actually said to see full potential of nandrolone you have to wait a month in till it is really kicking

How short are we talking? Iā€™ve considered NPP but I donā€™t like the idea of being on nandrolone for very long.

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im actually doing it for 10 weeks and so far no real hard side effects. I believe from all the research i have done NPP vs. Deca yes they are the same but i think deca sides are worse because of the length of the ester. I will continue to report but so far this drug is not like super crazy or anything. I mean i think next time i want something stronger. Like not Tren but maybe something stronger than NPP. But i could just be being impatient too. I mean it has only been two weeks. Everyone else says Im getting bigger. But i look in the mirror like three or four times a day so I dont see it.

Your not flexing hard enough.

Npp is only effective if you flex hard for 3-4 hours a day in a dimmlt lit room with a wall mirror


I will try that lol

4 weeks im thinking @iron_yuppie while I wait for primo and/or EQ to kick in.


Just a 4 week NPP run followed by a few weeks off and then repeated until its time to cut.


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