[quote]Sethnacht wrote:
Week 1:
Lifting 5 times /week
Week2 2:
Lifting 4 times /week
construction working for 2 days
Week 3:
Lifting 3 times/week
Muay Thai 3 times/week
My weightlifting schedule consists of 3 different days of nearly only complex whole-body movements (front squat, squat, DL, bent over row, kroc rows, dips, bench press, pull ups, etc.).[/quote]
Your program needs serious improvement. Get on a consistent routine, not changing things each week.
I’ll put this nicely… you don’t deserve a cheat meal each week and you certainly don’t deserve or need two in a week.
You’re already drinking beer, having cake, eating fried potatoes and you’re 20% bodyfat (or whatever, I’m guessing you’re pretty pudgy. Maybe a muffin top over the top of your jeans). You need to earn a cheat meal with 6 days, sometimes 13 or even 29 days, of the kind of strict eating that leads to visible and measurable progress.
If you were doing things right, then I agree, you should’ve seen some results in the last three weeks. But you haven’t seen progress and you’ve been eating and training a certain way. Wouldn’t it make sense to now change your nutrition and training?
Caffeine and testicles will fix that.
Seriously, which is a higher priority for you right now in the short term, your Muay Thai or not being fat? Starting tomorrow, literally tomorrow, do this:
Once that’s done, do this:
As far as training, again, almost any program in the archives will be better than what you’re doing now.