[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
[quote]Sethnacht wrote:
Week 1:
Lifting 5 times /week
Week2 2:
Lifting 4 times /week
construction working for 2 days
Week 3:
Lifting 3 times/week
Muay Thai 3 times/week
My weightlifting schedule consists of 3 different days of nearly only complex whole-body movements (front squat, squat, DL, bent over row, kroc rows, dips, bench press, pull ups, etc.).[/quote]
Your program needs serious improvement. Get on a consistent routine, not changing things each week.
I’ll put this nicely… you don’t deserve a cheat meal each week and you certainly don’t deserve or need two in a week.
You’re already drinking beer, having cake, eating fried potatoes and you’re 20% bodyfat (or whatever, I’m guessing you’re pretty pudgy. Maybe a muffin top over the top of your jeans). You need to earn a cheat meal with 6 days, sometimes 13 or even 29 days, of the kind of strict eating that leads to visible and measurable progress.
If you were doing things right, then I agree, you should’ve seen some results in the last three weeks. But you haven’t seen progress and you’ve been eating and training a certain way. Wouldn’t it make sense to now change your nutrition and training?
Caffeine and testicles will fix that.
Seriously, which is a higher priority for you right now in the short term, your Muay Thai or not being fat? Starting tomorrow, literally tomorrow, do this:
Once that’s done, do this:
As far as training, again, almost any program in the archives will be better than what you’re doing now.[/quote]
LMAO balls + caffine great stuff so true
Those 2 articles were great as a guy thats done AD & paleo for the better part of 3yrs I can honestly say that the difference between 30g-100g of carbs isnt that dramatic a difference in weight loss as long as cals are in a deficit… The only thing that throws off the loss is if you go the route of carb ups. In that case running 100g per day + blasting them on weekends will just make you fat… As far as no energy for MA I think its bogus I find a cup of coffee and a banana before 2hrs of JJ is just as good or better then any expensive suplement… Just eat 1hr before you go. The guy that trains the MMA peeps at my gym loves the paleo diet and puts most of his fighters on it. Probably for the leaning out reasons