Does anyone else seem to have the Not Giving a Shit Syndrome about things most people care about? Like when someone talks about something that most people should care about I just don’t give a shit at all for no reason. This isn’t with all things, I care for a lot of things, just certain things most people really care about.
[quote]KombatAthlete wrote:
Does anyone else seem to have the Not Giving a Shit Syndrome about things most people care about? Like when someone talks about something that most people should care about I just don’t give a shit at all for no reason. This isn’t with all things, I care for a lot of things, just certain things most people really care about.[/quote]
That happens to me too when people talks about…
- NZ idol
I am pretty sure I would care if we had TUF here…
- All blacks / NZ rugby
Also that I am not following NZ rugby too closely and some say I am “not a kiwi”. C’mon, can I say that to you when you are not supporting/following Ray Safo fighting in K-1?
Geek boy
Are you referring to not giving a shit “with attitude” or merely maintaining a neutral opinion…as if the subject simply really has no meaning to you (good or bad)?
Ya thats me alright. I only care about very few things, but that could be because I feel most of the world is pretty fucked up, and all the things that people do, and society does, is fucked up as well. Plus not giving a shit keeps you alot more mellow.
I don’t really give a shit about this thread.
Indifference rocks,
[quote]KombatAthlete wrote:
Does anyone else seem to have the Not Giving a Shit Syndrome about things most people care about? Like when someone talks about something that most people should care about I just don’t give a shit at all for no reason. This isn’t with all things, I care for a lot of things, just certain things most people really care about.[/quote]
That’s because you are a Dick. I’m a Dick too. I’ll look around…bored and they keep talking. My wife tells me I have this same attitude with my In-laws…huh?
The other thing it could be is mild depression. I was at the height of my Dickiness when I was depressed.
Some stuff realy isn’t worth giving a shit about. No matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t happen. It has a lot to do with the value an individual assigns to a subject.
Would you like to hear about my cats medical problems?
See. Just like that.
I don’t give a shit about the world around me, honestly.
As long as I can eat and train correctly, I’m happy.
That’s all I care about.
Oh and btw Rockscar, I’m also a Dick
[quote]Brain Monster wrote:
Ya thats me alright. I only care about very few things, but that could be because I feel most of the world is pretty fucked up, and all the things that people do, and society does, is fucked up as well. Plus not giving a shit keeps you alot more mellow.[/quote]
That pretty much sums up how I feel, most of the time.
I gotta say that I get a warm buzz in my ears whenever I hear people talk about money.
IRA’s, Stocks, Loans, Mutual funds, 401 K’s, etc. Oh and especially real estate stuff. Seems like it’s all made to be exremely complicated, to the point where I might listen intently for a minute then “bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”
It would benefit me to know more, excecute some sort of money making plan, prepare for the future and all that but right now it’s just really difficult to give a flying fuck about it… Not sure why.
I don’t think it’s dickheadedness if you legitamately don’t care and aren’t actively ignoring someone just to piss them off.
Its is not dickness. It’s like no matter how hard I try I just couldn’t care about it. I just think most things in the world today are pathetic and fucked up and they just dont move me. I am very passionate about some things though and am by no means a hollow man.
[quote]KombatAthlete wrote:
Its is not dickness. It’s like no matter how hard I try I just couldn’t care about it. I just think most things in the world today are pathetic and fucked up and they just dont move me. I am very passionate about some things though and am by no means a hollow man.[/quote]
It depends on what you are talking about. I personally hate “small talk”. If it is raining, I really don’t feel like having a conversation about rain. Someone in the car states, “Gee, they just built a new restaurant right there”…gee, I really don’t give a shit unless this restaurant has a buffet and will cater to my “bodybuilding needs” during future feedings. I don’t necessarily throw an attitude with it, I just ignore it for the most part. Your comment about things being pathetic and fucked up says a lot. For one, indifference is neither love nor hate…it is an absence of emotion. Therefore, if you truly think something is fucked up, you do care.
Like the Prof, I hate small talk.
Talking about the weather or “pop culture” is crushingly dull.
There are a lot of fascinating things in the world. Most people don’t seem interested in them.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Like the Prof, I hate small talk.
Talking about the weather or “pop culture” is crushingly dull.
There are a lot of fascinating things in the world. Most people don’t seem interested in them.[/quote]
Thing is, what may seem fascinating and appealing to you, might be shrugged off with “indiference” by another person.
Everyone has their own likings, its just a matter of finding someone that clicks with you.
I agree X…it’s small talk I hate. I live my life with the “don’t sweat the small stuff” philosophy. And when you think about it, it’s almost ALL small stuff.
[quote]lostinthought wrote:
I agree X…it’s small talk I hate. I live my life with the “don’t sweat the small stuff” philosophy. And when you think about it, it’s almost ALL small stuff. [/quote]
I guess you really liked the book then?
Good read.
Most things in American culture are horribly boring or shallow. I don’t care about fashion, what car the Jones’s are driving or what happened on any “Idol” type show. The vast majority of reality TV is just hype and artificial drama.
Then again, I’m bored to tears by football. Five seconds of action separated by five minutes of standing around does nothing for me. Why so many people like it is beyond me. Plus, I’m fascinated by Discovery, TLC and The History Channel while many people would be bored by it.
If you are bored by things in pop culture that seem to lack any real substance, that just speaks well of you.
Prof X, it’s not that me thinking its pathetic is directly affecting my response (or rather absence of one), its just a complete absence of emotion, negative and positive, like you said. It’s like a mental state into itself. Like I am just completely indifferent to it and couldn’t give a shit whether it completely ceased to exist that second and almost nothing could change that. I think it’s pretty awesome. Could be the result of lots of meditation as I hear it lets you control your emotions better.
Actually, when someone starts talking about something I think is pathetic I get pretty involved in the conversation. I consider what most peopel consider to be interesting to be boring and what most peopel consider boring or stupid to be fun. I am known to sit in Barnes and Noble for hours and just read and drink iced tea, but go insane if you put on Survivor. Any psychologists here?
I have NO idea what you are talking about.
The reason you don’t care: none of that shit matters.
The reason you notice: most people live boring, pathetic lives filled with all of that bullsh!t and then try to make you the contrarian feel bad about the fact that you don’t.
It’s really an interesting topic. Frequently, someone (mom, coworker, friend, random person) will ask me something, and I’ll tell them that (1) I do not know because (2) I do not have time to care. And they act as if I am an @sshole. I’m sure that some of that comes off in my delivery and attitude, but still.
I don’t understand how people can care so much about all of the little insignificances of life that ultimately have no effect on them. People are so concerned with everyone and everything EXCEPT themselves. Yet they are so selfish and rarely give anything back to the community.
Take watching the news, for example. I’m talking the 10 o’clock nightly news. Someone got shot. OK. New traffic system is going in on the east side of town. George Bush is coming to town. A new development will have 1000 homes, a movie theatre, and a bunch of restaraunts. It’s going to be hot. Oh, and of course, a new study reveals that drinking water is good for you. WHO CARES?
None of that shit matters. What matters is me and the people in my life.
I’m no saint, but imagine how much better of a place this would be if, instead of watching the 10 oclock news every night, all those people volunteered or just did something that mattered.