HCG has different effects on different people. Some feel better some worse. I could not feel much of a difference honestly. Also, my nuts still got smaller with HCG and test, and haven’t gotten smaller upon ceasing HCG.
I would plan on running HCG at least 6 months before trying to conceive. It takes a while if you have been shut down a while. If you try to conceive right when you start HCG be prepared to have your wife / GF frustrated.
Well. Not DIRECTLY after. lol. That’s a thing he said in competition. He didn’t die that day or anything hahaha. His cardiac episode did supposedly happen during a training session.
HR never approaches this. I get closer to the top number on blood pressure sometimes. Not really the bottom number. The elevated blood pressure lasts most of the night.
Hi mate, i have explained on a few occasions why I don’t want to completely come off… but let me expand…for 10 of the 12 months… i felt better than ever … much better … emotionally speaking it literally was like a miracle. I’m not a bulk type guy, i went on the test largely for mental reasons rather than physical… i had a highly athletic physique already and have done a fair share of modelling, some of it fitness based… signed to modelling agencies… i was not unhappy with my body at all but i prefer myself now with the extra weights and more importantly i just wanted to stay where i was for the first 10 months emotionally … so stopping would be neglecting the fact that the test e did so much for me with my life and work, not just the gym GREAT QUESTION… why am i so small after such a big dose? Well, I’m men’s health cover style body not a massive body builder so I wouldn’t consider myself small but I’m not a body builder in classical terms. I weigh just under 14.5 stone , lean . Very lean, i would probably weight 12 stone if I didn’t train at all, but naturally when training i come in about 13stone and only 14.5 stone with the test e cycle, most of the new weight is in my legs and glutes… strength wise my bench press is at 140kg x6 Reps and I’m doing 40kg weighted pull ups x10 mid grip and x6 reps wide grip which can only be described as major PB compared to this time last year… my muscle gains are no where near my strength gains but I’ve lost two modelling contracts already because of shoulders being too wide for certain brands of clothing i was working with
Dude … I get what you’re trying to say, but your goals do not align with your dosage. You NEVER needed 1200mg weekly to achieve what you want. 1200mg is typically reserved for professional body building type stuff. A simple TRT dose would have been more than enough to have you feeling great, staying lean, and putting on lean muscle. You’re using ~6x the necessary amount. You’re putting strain on your body when you don’t need to be.
Have you been having to take a hefty dose of AI like arimidex to stay lean and keep water off?
I’m not arguing the need for exogenous test. I personally want to start TRT for the mental well being aspect. I get it. I’m just saying you’re taking WAY too much, unnecessarily. 200mg should make you feel good/great, with less risk and less side effects.
I wish you luck man! I’d highly suggest 200mg weekly and stick with it for 12-16 weeks then adjust if necessary.
Using aas for emotional reasons doesn’t make sense to me. That’s just me. If coming off is completely off the table why not lower the dose. You’re on a MASSIVE dose. Cut 100mg per week until you get to a more reasonable dose. Start reading on the trt forums.
I completely agree… i guess i was under read and stupid really and just listened to the dosage on the website i bought it from which said 400-1200 a week so i just started on 500 and felt great and thought fuck it , i want this … i feel better than ever… this is what i want etc etc… i guess the lack of an AI has resulted in elevated estrogen from what I’m reading … i already stated there are no other compounds involved, I’ve stuck to test E alone … recently switched supplier and possibly the last supplier was under dosed ad the acne and low mood went wild with the newer product
Well I guess I dont have to tell you that it was not a good idea to cruise on 1200MG for a year.
I mean testosterone is a natural hormone and we need it, but at high dosages for too long it causes a lot of other issues as well, man I would be more concerned about the heart and arteries at that dose for so long than your mood.
If you lower it to 400 you will not lose any size, and can still build size, plus probably feel better, would be much less taxing on he body as well…
I would get to your GP and get bloods and all.
You should man, I was a dumbass in the past and ran cycles without checking up my body regularly thinking I was invincible, well later on I started getting all kinds of issues when i cruised too long and had to totally come off 3 years and lost everything.
Now you still have the chance to check up and fix your issues, treat whatever is going wrong in your body, before some damage is done and you have to totally stop.
Ps. I wonder how you work out? and how old you are?
I am 5’11 and weigh 93KG atm, running 500, for 3 months.
I’m 33… looks like we are similar weight and height … in answer to your question : from what I’m reading most of the 1200 was probably being lost through aromatising and I have not taken an AI… i also have no real interest in getting “big” I have a fitness model body… but to be honest I think I would prefer to be 15 stone (95kg) and thats a few kilos heavier than i am…
My natural genetics are very lean indeed also… weight about 12 stone if I don’t train at all… so i guess i am big compared to my natural state… before using test E, i was Naturally training hard, i was about 13stone so I’ve gained a fair bit from training naturally and then boosted with the test
In terms of training, i train for 120 reps per body part, per workout…often pyramiding in sets of 3 or 4 for each excecise motions with 4-5 different motions per workout … i throw in abs at the end of every workout (three sets) and i am happy with my physique… i would like to put on another couple of kg on my legs though… i guess my genetics are build for lean, athletic, healthy athlete look rather than bulked up muscle bodybuilder… i imagine if i took steroids correctly with experienced guidance i would probably get big but clearly I don’t have any experience and been jabbing 1200 -1500 weekly in my ass with no AI or HCG which now i see was dumb… strength gains have been massive for me though, benching 140kg x 6 reps now and also 40kg weighted pull ups x10 reps mid grip and up to x6 reps on wide grip… to be fair I don’t eat a lot, I’m not always ramming food down my throat for calories and my appetite is not that of others ive known who train like me… i eat moderately but always hit 200g protein most days…my mood is really bad i feel like a weak child and the acne on my shoulders is making me miserable… .ive even skipped training this week and barely got out of my pyjamas at home, its a really bad sign if i skip training because i never do that, i always stick to my training schedule…
Unless you have a genetic abnormality, no it didn’t. You need to be off and get an echo done. You don’t “Feel” different at 1200 vs 500mg, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t different.
I’m going to see if I can put this in a way that doesn’t offend you, because I’m truly not trying to make you feel bad. But…you’re an addict. You’re displaying classic signs of addiction and addictive behavior. Now it’s a psychological addiction rather than a physical one, but that doesn’t matter much at this point. You triggered some underlying personality disorder (body dysmorphia, maybe?) and now you can’t see the forest for the trees. The correct answer—as in, this is what any medical professional would tell you in 100% of cases like yours—is to stop what you’re doing and get your health sorted out. Since that’s off the table the next best thing is to get on a reasonable dose. Everyone here has basically said that in one form or another and you don’t seem terribly receptive to the idea. That to me says you have lost the ability to see the path forward. I think you need help. Hell, you skipped training this week because you feel so bad. You know what the right thing to do is here, you just don’t want to do it. Doesn’t that sound like someone who’s not operating at proper capacity? Doesn’t that sound like someone who’s being controlled by something other than their own mind?
I’ve agreed from the offset that the best thing to do is to lower my dose right down and then seek help from my GP and go from there. It seems you haven’t either read my subsequent posts In full or perhaps
Your just jumping to conclusions prematurely without properly understanding my response. I’ve agreed to 1. Lower my dose and 2. See my GP
I agree that I’ve shown signs of addictive behaviour however I have always felt
Strongly since I jumped on this train that I would be engaging in full time trt however from this day forward I want to do things properly. Even looking at doing private care with a specialist in central London and paying out what’s necessary cost to fully
Optimise my health through the use of hormone therapy with moderate blasts every 12 weeks once I have fully checked my health. If I’m all
Ok, I will cruise for 12 weeks at about 250 split in to two and likely blast for 8 weeks every 12 weeks but making sure I do things correctly. I agree that 1200 a week was stupid and less can be more now that I’ve let it get out of control it doesn’t mean I can’t bring it back into control. At least I’m
On one substance I’ve been looking at what serious bodybuilders take and fuck me I look like Micky mouse
Ps I did my dose for the following week to come
Yesterday and I took 400, which is a third of the usual so from engaging with people on here I have already implemented your advice in to my routine dosage and next week I will look to Lower again with aim to get down to 250 in coming weeks. I’ve appreciated everyone’s help on here but ive also noticed that people have either misread or misunderstood my intentions on a few occasions which is fair enough but on the whole it’s been a good idea so thank you to those who were constructive in your criticism. Peace and blessings
200 is plenty for a cruise/TRT. The test will self taper as the half-lives expire, you can just cut to cruise dose directly. You might find that you don’t even need 200, but it’s a reasonable cruise for most.
250 isn’t a cruise. And you’re going to blast 8 on 12 off? That’s still a lot of time spent supraphysiological. Which brings me back to my original observation, which is that you are not fully in control here. If you were genuinely worried about your health you wouldn’t be anywhere in the vicinity of discussing future blasts. Notice I’m not calling you names or judging your past behavior. I’m trying to tell you that your health—the health of a complete stranger—is important to me. Trust that I’m trying to help you here. I have no reason to do otherwise.