The fishoil I’m currently taking is Nature Made pills - 2 per serving. I believe that’s only 3g fat per serving. The flaxseed pills are only 1g per.
You’ll find it’s a lot cheaper to take LIQUID flaxseed oil and LIQUID fish oil. I mix an orange flavored fish oil with my tuna sometimes. Taken that way, it’s actually quite yummy! (grin) On a practical level, 28g is a whole lotta capsules to be taking every day!!!
Now what I’d like to do is gain muscle, but not gain a bunch of fat. I was originally planning to have a decent amount of carbs on lifting days, and then low carbs on Tues/Thurs. My weekends are hectic to I was going to try to hit my protein goal, and then do my best to hit the other goals.
Are you wanting to stay the same scale weight, to up or down, Franchise? What I generally do with people is give them a few more starchy carbs on days they do resistance training. Not a lot. They’re consuming a 2:1 ratio of starchy carbs to protein on resistance training days. Then, based on what’s going on with the scale, I will adjust so that those goals are being met.
You should get started with your plan and stick with it for at least two weeks. You need to look at TRENDS and give greater weight to that, than to any single week’s results.
If a person is cutting, they’ll eat more fibrous green veggie carbs. If a person bulking, they’ll have to consume more starchy carbs. That’s really the only difference between the two. You don’t need huge difference in the amount of carbs you’re taking in on one day versus another (i.e., weight training vs. non-weight training). All you’re doing is refilling muscle glycogen and spiking insulin a little bit PWO to drop cortisol levels and shuttle amino acids into the muscles. It’s when a person takes in a whole bunch more than they need that fat storage happens.
My point in all this is, even if I do 1g carbs per lbs, that’s still only another 880 kcal, putting my total at 2,552. Is that going to be sufficient to add muscle?
Trust the process, Franchise. The plan you put together is only a starting point. We’ll make small adjustments based on how your body responds. You’ll make small adjustments (250-calorie increases) every week until you get exactly the results you want. Four small increase in caloric intake is better than one large increase where you end up overshooting.
OK, I think I’m all screwed up now. I was tinkering around on fitday and may have done more harm than good.
(grin) Nope, we learn by tinkering. We learn by asking questions. We learn by DOING something and even by making mistakes. Truth be told, I’ve learned more from my mistakes than I have from my successes!
Franchise, what you do is start with x number of meals. I’d actually recommend that you eat 6 meals, roughly 3 hours apart. Currently you’re eating 9 different times a day.
If you eat 6 meals a day, you should eat about 35-40g of protein at each and every meal. If you wanted to be precise, it should be 37g per meal, but people generally find it’s easier to hit a range than hit a precise number dead on.
Can I make a counter proposal?
09:45 to 10:30
What time do you work out?
From there you need to put in which meals are P+C and which are P+F
Then you play with each meal so that you ROUGHLY hit that 37g number for protein. You don’t have to worry about protein from other sources like oatmeal, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms. Only count protein from meat, fish, eggs and dairy. If you run over from other sources, you run over, and it doesn’t matter.
Then you add your good fat into your P+F meals. One meal should probably be a P-only meal.
Since you’re bulking, there isn’t any reason we couldn’t go a bit higher on fat. 0.4g - 0.5g of fat per pound of body weight is what John Berardi recommends. For you that translates into 88g to 110g. Once again, give yourself a range. If you’re still going over on your fat, then let me know, and I’ll see if I can’t help you fix it. For me to hit my fat numbers without going over, I have to pick leaner cuts of meat (chicken, shrimp, egg whites with one whole egg). I have to limit cheese and peanut butter nuts and/or treat them as a garnish.
Tell me if that helps. I know you’re bulking, but we need to make sure that things work for you on a practical, logistical level. We need everything as automatic and non-thinking as possible. And since your weekends are crazy, I’d recommend you do some bulk cooking so that you have little mini-meals sitting in the fridge, waiting for you. That’s my idea of fast food! (grin)
Questions? (grin)