No Resolutions

Just a few thoughts before the end of 2008:

I know this is a time when a lot of people will make resolutions for the New Year, but, for me, tomorrow is only the beginning of yet another year I?ll be overweight, another year I won?t bench 300, another year I won?t be happy with what I see in the mirror.

But it will also be a year that I continue to lose the fat I?ve accumulated since childhood, another year I add a few more pounds of muscle, and another year I?ll continue to see more of what?s hidden beneath what is quickly becoming loose skin.

Resolutions are nice when you don?t really want to do something. Years ago, I resolved to quit smoking. I also once resolved to eat better and lose weight. Neither one happened until recently, and neither happened until I decided to do something about a body I had come to hate–it was a conscious choice, not a half-assed, self-imposed guilt trip brought about by the passing of another year.

It?s frequently been difficult as I?ve learned about lifting and eating, but it?s always rewarding, and it?s never beyond my control. A large part of that is because of T-Nation–the articles, the posts, and the knowledge. While I?m not saying I couldn?t have gotten anywhere without this site, it sure as hell wouldn?t be as interesting, or as fun.

I thank everyone here–coaches, forum posters, contributors, moderators, editors, and everyone else. Happy New Year, and I hope to start fully interacting in the coming years.

Now that the sappy shit is done, I?ll be throwing up progress pictures and workout/diet logs soon, but I?m going to spend the last of this year with people even more important to me.

I don’t make resolutions. This is when I reflect back at what I’ve done. Rethink where I’m going and determine what it’s going to take to get there. Create a plan and get down to it.

It’s about taking stock on one’s life. Determine what worked and what didn’t and make the changes. Look at your successes, pat yourself on the back, put a smile on your face and get to living.

Happy New Year!

fuckin’ “Y” will be PACKED tomorrow when it re-opens

swiss-balls a burstin’ !!

Every year I say I’m going to stop swearing so much and the whole thing ends up going to shit within a few minutes after midnight.

This is the first year in I don’t know how long that I haven’t made any resolutions. I’ve got plenty of goals to achieve without extra meaningless ones I only commit to for the sake of a new year.

If something’s really important, why wait to do it until January 1st?

If it ain’t important, why do it at all?

I’ve been meaning to sew some buttons on an old shearling coat and buy a dish drainer.

[quote]belligerent wrote:
Every year I say I’m going to stop swearing so much and the whole thing ends up going to shit within a few minutes after midnight.[/quote]


thats calendar material .

[quote]Loose Tool wrote:
I’ve been meaning to sew some buttons on an old shearling coat and buy a dish drainer.[/quote]

get on it. times a wasting .

myself on the other hand …think I’ll re-lace my Columbias

i didnt make a resolution but i told this girl to shut the fuck up and some guy was like dude, you should apologize and i said, no, its my new years resolution not to apologize…but eventually i did anyway. :wink:

Its a good point to take a look at your life and how it has changed over the last year. Who were you last year, what happened to make you change, what did you accomplish.

Personally I use it as just another boost to what my goals are already. I’m a much different person then I was last year because of what has happened, I’m good friends with people I thought I’d never be friends with last year and doing things I wouldnt of done last year

[quote]marlboroman wrote:
Loose Tool wrote:
I’ve been meaning to sew some buttons on an old shearling coat and buy a dish drainer.

get on it. times a wasting .

myself on the other hand …think I’ll re-lace my Columbias


The Butterfly Effect:

[i]For Want of a Nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.[/i]