I will always know I have T-Nation to Thank.
…if I can’t go over it or through it, I’d better learn to negotiate with it.
…I will never be able to rid the world of all clowns.
[quote]detazathoth wrote:
…that my penis will never get bigger than 3 inches[/quote]
that was mine.
…I will never be strong enough to stomach a full episode of anything on MTV.
(besides rob&big)
… I will never manage to do squats and lateral raises at the same time.
… I’ll never be able to figure out how it can’t really be butter
… I will never be able to beat my father.
…it won’t erase the fact that I’m hairy and balding
…my knees will still be weak and my head spinning after a 20-rep squat.
…deadlifts will kick my ass.
…a 315 lbs. deadlift will be inspirational. (jk)
…no one but me will care.
…I’ll never be satisfied.
…your mom can probably kick my ass.
…That damn kid that plays Harry Potter will still be richer.
[quote]Chewie wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
… I will never be able to raise Elvis from the dead. (or)
Is that because Elvis died 30 years ago, today?
Really? If it’s true, I didn’t know that.
… Lance Bass will always be gay.
… there will always be some womans arse I can’t stop staring at. Damn my weak mind!
I will always love chicks with a hot ASS (*)
I will never be able to smack the stupid out of some people brains
…there will still be someone curling in the squat rack when I need to use it.
i still wont be able to open that damn pickle jar.
[quote]undeadlift wrote:
Chewie wrote:
undeadlift wrote:
… I will never be able to raise Elvis from the dead. (or)
Is that because Elvis died 30 years ago, today?
Really? If it’s true, I didn’t know that.
… Lance Bass will always be gay.[/quote]
So will Justin Timberlake… and he’s straight.
…I wont be able to stop thinking about mens asses… I mean dicks… I mean chicks… Who are girls… and not men… who are hot… but not the men the women i mean, hot women… God dammit this always happens…
in all seriousness though:
No matter how strong I am…
… It will always take me for ever to take a piss. My bladder holds almost a liter (.25 gal) of fluid sometimes (after movies).
[quote]AssClown wrote:
… I’ll never be able to figure out how it can’t really be butter[/quote]
… I’ll never figure out how they made fat free canola oil. WTF is that? I mean it IS oil right?