I am starting this log to keep myself motivated. My training has lacked consistency and I have been neglecting my legs. That will change.
ME upper body.
Bench- 225x5
D.B. Bench- 75x10,8,8
B.B. row- 155x6,6,6,6
Face pulls- 110x12
hammer curl- 35x10,8,6
shrugs- 70x12,12
What are your stats? How long have you been lifting? What are your goals?
Weighed in at 186 this morning 6’ tall
goals are to recomp while building strength
I was a big pussy today and skipped lunges. This was the first leg workout in a long time and the squats alone hurt me. still no excuse
M.E. lower
20 minute warm up on elliptical
Squats 185x5
RDL 225x8,8,8
Bench: 230x5
d.b. bench: 75x12,12
B.B. row: 135x10
shrugs: 75x12,13,11
d.b. hammer curl:40x8,6
great program to put on some size, use the same basic template on myself and a lot of my athletes as well. U following the actual program or trying to adjust it somewhat?
I was a candy ass last week and skipped 2 workouts. I could give a bunch of excuses, but lets just chock it up to me being a candy ass.
I stick to the ws4sb 3 washed up meat head template for the most part. The only changes I make are to separate the back/rear delt supersets. I feel it kills my strength on both exercises to do the supersets.
Today was M.E. upper body
Bench: 225x5 - I felt really weak here I think I will switch to incline next week
D.B. bench: 75x14, 8
B.B. row: 135x10,10,8
Face pulls: 100x15,15,12
D.B. shrugs: 75x15,12
Hammer curls: 35x10,8
I felt weak throughout the whole workout. I think it’s because I barely ate prior to hitting the gym at 9am.
Man, if you’re gonna do this program you gotta do it right. No skipping workouts and definitely no skimping on the food. You can get alot out of this, but you gotta push, in the weightroom and the kitchen.
WED. Max effort lower
squat 190x5
d.b. walking lunge 35x15,12,10
RDL 225x 9,9,9
Thursday REP upper body
D.B. incline: 70x12,12,7
s.s. chin up: 10,8,5
face pull: 100x15,15,12
d.b. military: 45x12,7,6
tricep press down: 70x14
B.B. shrug: 185x12,8
M.E. upper
CGBP: 185x5
D.B. bench: 75x14,12
BB row: 135x12,12,10
face pull: 100x15,15,15
shrug: 75x15,15,15
hammer curl: 35x8,8,8
The last reps on shrugs were ugly. My forearms also felt like they were going to explode on the last few reps of the shrugs and hammer curls. Overall I fell I made good progress compared to last weeks workout
rep upper
D.B. incline: 70x13,12,8
s.s chin up: 10,9
chin up: 5
face pulls: 103.5x15,15
d.b. military: 50x10,9,7
shrugs: 75x15,13
press down: 80x8
Bb curls: 80x10,8,6,5
deadlift: 285x5
alt. db curl: 35x12
rep upper
cgbp: 195x5
db bench: 75x15,14
bb row: 135x12,12,12
face pull:103.5x15,15,15
hammer curl: 35x10,9
last entry should have been max effort upper