I have been doing TBT for about a month and a half now, and have been on Fish Oil for the whole time.
As of about a week ago I added Whey Protein, and now I am looking into either BCAAs or Creatine.
Any suggestions as to which?
I have been doing TBT for about a month and a half now, and have been on Fish Oil for the whole time.
As of about a week ago I added Whey Protein, and now I am looking into either BCAAs or Creatine.
Any suggestions as to which?
Both are good supps. But multi-vitamins & minerals are more important.
Well I do take GNC 1 a day Multi’s right now also.
[quote]Dyepaintball12 wrote:
I have been doing TBT for about a month and a half now, and have been on Fish Oil for the whole time.
As of about a week ago I added Whey Protein, and now I am looking into either BCAAs or Creatine.
Any suggestions as to which?[/quote]
Well…does it have to be either/or ? Both Creatine and BCAAs are excellent, and creatine is so cheap that I would not think it would prohibit the use of BCAAs.
If you are relegated to using only one, I’d go with creatine, especially if you’re eating enough calories to support growth. If you can swing both, however, then get both BCAAs and creatine. Either get the Biotest pills, or go with a bulk powder. Just don’t waste money on some crap GNC pills.
I suggest taking both. Creatine will load your muscles with water, which helps to increase endurance and speed up recovery. BCAAs will trigger protein synthesis and will help in recovery and muscle regeneration, among other things.
So, like I said, if you can, take both.
Buy Usana Essentials mutli-vitamin & multi- mineral.
Super multi vit/mineral.
Creatine is wonderful. I would recommend cycling it though an on cycle no longer then 8 weeks.
I also have an unusual method of loading creatine that I read about from Ian King. Do a search or PM me if interested.
Between the two…Take both. Creatine after workouts with whey and BCAAs during/before my workout (I take a powdered form with Crystal Light) BCAAs in pill form are tight on my budget so I go with powdered. The Crystal Light filters out the bad taste.
However if it was BCAAs vs Creatine and you only can pick 1, go with creatine and experiment with BCAAs later.
How much fish oil are you taking (in terms of DHA and EPA)?
Another good supplement would be ZMA.
It also depends on you, if you’re able to add weight to every lift every week and feel comfortable with that then I wouldn’t necessarily add supplements as long as you’re eating enough for your weight.
Well, for fish oil:
EPA 360 mg
DHA 240 mg
I started taking 8 a day, and now I am up to 12. Should I be taking more?
[quote]Dyepaintball12 wrote:
Well, for fish oil:
EPA 360 mg
DHA 240 mg
I started taking 8 a day, and now I am up to 12. Should I be taking more?[/quote]
That is debatable.
At the amount you are taking, can you tell any anti inflammation effects?
Are your cholesterol levels lower and in a healthy range?
Is your blood pressure notably lower?
If so, you are fine where you are. Change would be moot and you’d just be wasting money on more fish oil.