Next Cycle. Test Prop and Tren Ace

I won’t run my next cycle until May, but I want to go ahead and get some research done. It will be a shorter cycle, 8 weeks.

proposed cycle
test prop: 75mg ed
Aromisin: 12.5mg eod

tren ace: 75mg ed
Caber: .25mg e3d

hcg 250iu 2x a week

standard pct of nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50


Come on guys, just a little input here…

You might have better luck if you proposed stuff on your own instead of expecting to be spoon fed. We aren’t your mother.

You might have better luck if you proposed stuff on your own instead of expecting to be spoon fed. We aren’t your mother.

i laid out the doses for test, tren, and hcg. if i ran adex it would be .25mg eod. for aromisin, say 12.5mg eod. Im not asking to be spoon fed at all.

updated with aromisin and caber doses