I just ran across this website a couple of days ago, and i must say this website is great. It’s full of usefull information for people who work out…
Well, here is a little short story about me…Before college 5’9" 185lbs, after 5 years in college and late night eating and studying 240lbs by graduation day. Anyway, began working out last december and manage to droop 30lbs by lifting weights,playing basketball 3-4 times a week and deiting. As a result of my hard work, i have become obsesed with working out. On the contrayr, now my goals are not really to loose weight but to get muscular and loose BF%. Well as a self motivated person that i am, i did some research and developed work out routing. Although, it might seem to much but i must add my recovery time is pretty fast…
I would like for the T-Nation community to critique and provide feedback on the following plan:
Machine Fly,12-10-8-12
Seated Row,12-10-8-12
Bench Incline DB,12-10-8-12
Lever seated Row,12-10-8-12
Cable Front Pull down, 12-10-8-12
Dead lift,12-10-8-12
Leg Press,12-10-8-12
S.Bar Curl,12-10-8-12
V cable,12-10-8-12
bentovertricep ext.,12-10-8-12
Serratus crunch,4,8-10
Swiss ball crunch,4,12-15
close grip bench,12-10-8-12
Lunges, 6 sets with 35Lbs DB
Squat Machine,12-10-8-12
Upright Row,12-10-8-12
Front Raise,12-10-8-12
Lateral Raise,12-10-8-12
Military Press,12-10-8-12
seating calv raise,12-10-8-12
Standing Calv Raise,12-10-8-12
legs curls,12-10-8-12
leg extensions,12-10-8-12
Dead lift,12-10-8-12
Machine Fly,12-10-8-12
Cable Front Pull down,12-8-6-10
Seated Row,12-8-6-10
Kneeling cable crunch,4,8-10
Ball exchange double crunch,4,max reps20
Military Press,12-10-8-12
bentovertricep ext.,12-8-6-10
S.Bar Curl,12-8-6-10
V cable,12-8-6-10
Upright Row,12-8-6-10
Dumbell Curl,12-8-6-10
Preacher Curl,12-8-6-10
DB weighted crunch,4,8-10
Side bend,4,8-10 per side
I hope it makes sense…
Please help, thanks.