Hey guys, I recently posted my first thrad about Dbol only. Which was only a thought to see hwo my body would react to the dbol. ( so far so good. ) I asked my buddy about test, and we got into a longer conversation… Proposing just full out doing a stack as cycle, and going balls out. I am propsing a 10 week cycle, with dbol to start it off. ( already started. ) Adding in test and deca, 1 ml a week of test and deca, for ten weeks, then arimidex or nolvadex as PCT.
I am 23
3 years in the gym.
Diet and training are spot on.
I realize most will say I should wait till I am older, I have taken this into consideration, and have decided to cycle regardless. That is my decision and has been made. I would however, Like to do it right.
My main question is with both test and deca, I wont shutdown at all with proper pct?
I was going to do a dbol only cycle to dip my toes in the water, But I may take the first cycle/ Balls out approach. Would Like to do things safely, Especially when it comes to pinning.
Any questions will be answered truthfully, And I hope to get some decent feedback. Thanks for your time guys.