Newbie Advice


Just wanting some advice on what to do to lose some fat and put on some serious muscle.

I have been reading the online version of T-mag for a while and the problem is there is so much info I really don’t know how to get started.

Anyone got a suggestion for the best workout,diet and simple supplementation plan.

I live in Australia so just about everything is illegal supplementwise.

Basically I am looking for someone to help me tie all the info I have read here together.

Oh, I am 30 years old and weight 80kgs and have been training sporadically over the last year or so with okay gains. That fat just isn’t budging though.

Thanks in advance

Read all the Dawg School articles. Then follow them. That’ll get you started.


I should have stated that I am currently using the “Beginners Blast-Off” program and have just read “Massive Eating 1 & 2”. Would this be a good place to start?

I am also going to cross-train 3 x a week with Wing Chun Kung-Fu as it’s good for flexibility, fun and useful for getting out of nasty situations.

Massive Eating is great, but you need to track your food intake and body composition changes to make sure that you are eating enough and gaining the right stuff (muscle rather than fat). Also, pick the activity factor that is at least .1-.2 lower than you think you are to start.

I would pick Ian Kings limping series and The super strength series. Combine those together and youve got a great program. Then you can graduate to his more advanced programs. Start with the beginner program and then progress to the advanced. That should keep you tied up for about a year or so.

Thanks for the previous suggestions but I have yet more questions.

I have read the super strength and limping series. Not sure about the frequency though does it go like this?

Monday - Super strength A
Tuesday - Super strength B
Wednesday - Limping workout

Rest or repeat?? Any suggestions on how to combine the 2 workouts?

Also would the t-dawg diet be a better choice?

Mon - Limping A, Tues - Super Strength A, Thurs - Limping B, Fri - Super Strenth B. You can change the order and do SS on M and Th or you can do part B first in the week and part A later. Put your weakest link early in the week. Use Massive Eating to gain weight or Don’t Diet to cut down some fat. Get used to training and eating right before you try something like T-Dawg for fat loss.

Hey there. As for Ian King’s program, I believe you want to do something like this:

Monday: Quad
Tuesday: Upperbody Workout A
Wednesday: Rest (or cardio or whatever you feel like for fun except lifting more weights!)
Thursday: Glute/Ham
Friday: Upperbody Workout B
Saturday/Sunday: Rest or cardio

Basically you want to do lower body/upper body back to back, take one day off, do the next pair of lower body/upper body back to back and rest again. Hope this makes sense.