New to TRT, sanity checking symptoms

Would appreciate a sanity check of some symptoms I’ve been having since starting TRT if anyone has some insight.

Started TRT ~10 weeks ago. Mid 40’s; excellent shape/sleep/nutrition/etc. Pre-levels in low 200’s to mid 300’s.

100mg/week split 50 Mon morning/50 Thu morning.

6 weeks bloods (2 tests):

Total T: 5.5-6.2 ng/mL (2.8 - 8 Scale)
Free T: 120-150 pg/mL (37 - 244 Scale)
SHGBG: 20-25 nmol/L
E2: 12-29 pg/mL
Calculated Free: ~2.2%
HCT 48-50
Blood Pressure: 120/60

Started to feel better, body felt stronger, less days of feeling like crap, etc.

Biggest symptom was on Sunday before my next shot definitely starting to feel the drag, and had some ear pressure since starting. Maybe a slight improvement on libido but nothing significant.

Here’s where things have gone off a bit. Dose was increased to 120 and moved Thursday’s shot to the evening to try and help the Sunday dip.

Been on this new dose for 3 weeks now, and a couple of symptoms that have me a little concerned:

  • Occasionally feel slightly nauseous. It’s usually brief, and goes away.

  • One or two days where my eyes got blurry. Again very brief, maybe 20 seconds, only 1 time a day and goes away. Usually happens day after shot.

  • Had one or two days where I will get dizzy / vertigo for a few seconds, and then it goes away. I think both times day after shot as well.

Thus far the only difference I’ve felt between the 100mg and 120mg is the negatives. All the symptoms started as soon as I made the change.

It’s only been 3 weeks at this new dose/schedule. Is this normal or has anyone else experienced this? Just ride it out a few weeks and see if it gets better or by now is my body telling me it’s too much?

I thought I was taking some pretty conservative doses; any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Correct. None of the three symptoms are typically asssociated with TRT or a small dose increase. Hormonal swings could possibly cause anxiety or even vertigo but your dose change was smallish. Hell based on your labs I would have increased it ever so slightly as well. You have a little room to bump FT, but don’t overdo it.

I’ve seen this countless times before in other members and I have first-hand experience with these symptoms myself!

You’re using up more of your iron stores on TRT in the creation of higher hemoglobin.

These comments of yours are symptoms of iron deficiency.

If you’re on TRT, and you can’t maintain normal ferritin, it’s because TRT increases EPO which increased erythroferrone, lowering hepcidin and ferroportin lets iron release from hepatocytes and therefore ferritin doesn’t rise.

Check your ferritin, and iron saturation! Note that even if your levels are normal, they may still be on a downward spiral.

Interesting, thanks. I wouldn’t have thought to check my iron, but I will see about getting some labs for that. Pre-TRT my HCT was in the 46-48 range, so it went up a bit but I didn’t think anything crazy. HBG only slighly higher.

In addition to those labs, would it be wise to lower my dose back down to 100 or 110 and give it a few weeks and see if those symptoms go away? Or would I be doing too much yo-yoing reversing the last change after only 3 weeks?

I need to keep better track of when these symptoms occur, and if it’s consistantly the day after I inject.

You’ve come this far, I would continue for another 3-6 weeks. If this keeps happening the day after your shot, which is typically when testosterone peaks, you need to look at other things besides your TRT protocol.

Check the ferritin and iron saturation without delay! If it’s indeed on the decline, it will accelerate once you reach the 6 week mark as hormone levels will be at a steady state.

Then that might point to possible iron deficiency in the making, because an abundance of iron would drive the hemoglobin higher! No matter the TRT dosage, a lack of iron would drive the hemoglobin down.

I’ve tracked ferritin throughout my TRT journey. In my experience, ferritin is only significantly reduced when first starting or when raising dose by a large margin, while new RBCs and hemoglobin are being formed. Once you reach the new set point for RBCs and hemoglobin, ferritin recovers.

This is basically what you would expect, as the vast majority of iron needed for hemoglobin production is recycled from old RBCs. It’s only during the phase when RBCs are actively rising that there are unusual demands on iron stores.

Still waiting for my Total/Free T results, but I received my Iron results:

HCT: 51.4 H (38.5-50%)
Iron, Total: 108 (50-180 mcg/dL)
Iron Binding Capacity: 343 (250-425 mcg/dL)
% Saturation: 31 (20-48%)
Ferratin: 39 (38-380 ng/mL)

So my Ferratin was technically in the Green/OK, but very barely. Although from what I’ve read 39 sounds like it’s reasonable and shouldn’t cause issues. Other Iron results all appear to be fine. My HCT was also the highest I’ve ever been.

It’s been 6 weeks. The nausea and dizzy spells appear to have gone away. I still definitely have more eye floaters than before (googling around that appears to be a semi common theme, although no great explanation as to why).

I’m not sure what would be the best next step. I’m very close to the HCT 52% where my doctor will require donation (and my own personal comfort level to avoid going above), but it appears my ferratin would go below range if I do.

Debating dropping down to 110 from 120, or possibly back to 100. I did want to try introducing low dose HCG to avoid shrinkage, but not sure if that would exacerbate the HCT or Ferratin issue.

I’m amazed at how many people start at 200/week and are able to pull it off.

You really need to stick with a dose for 4-5 months. If you keep switching things up you will never find homeostasis and things will never normalize.

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I thought it was 5-6 weeks for stable bloods to see how one feels? First I’ve heard about 4-5 months, but I’m obviously very new to this.

I’m trying to keep things simple, with small changes. Perhaps I am looking at this incorrectly, but in my mind:

100/week = Zero symptoms for 6 weeks. Was hoping for more libido, and had nothing I would consider a honeymoon phase. HCT in the 49-50 range.

120/week = Multiple symptoms almost immediately (some of which appear to have gone away). HCT now in the 51.x range. Ferratin at absolute bottom of range, having done zero donations. Don’t feel better than I did at 100, and arguably worse considering the symptoms. Also the highest dose my doctor will allow.

That’s why I was thinking of easing off the gas a little to 110 with possibly a low dose HCG. Maybe hold on the HCG a bit longer although I don’t like the shrinkage and I keep reading its needed for libido for a lot of folks. (What I thought would be small changes).

If there is value to staying at a dose for longer I’m all ears.

Thanks… lots to learn!

Yes you will get full blood saturation in 4-5 weeks but that is just the beginning of the process. Now your body must adapt to the new hormone levels and this takes time.

If you feel you were better off at 100mg/wk then go there but stay there for a few months.

Got it, thanks - appreciate the info.

Got my TT/FT results back, and both of those were in range as well, although FT may be going above range during peak.

Total 553 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free (Dialysis) 142.8 (35-155 pg/mL)

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So what is your plan going forward then? This is from 120mg/wk or 100?

This is from 120mg/wk. My original results were from my doctors at 100mg/wk; not sure what lab they use. Interestingly my Quest TT at 120/week was lower than my doctors lab at 100/week.

Not really sure best plan from here.

Maybe give it a few weeks to see as you suggest. Possibly try adding a very low dose HCG. Or add low dose HCG and lower to 110/week. I don’t (think) any major changes.

Whatever you decide start and give it 4 months unless you run into major issues. You’ll never find what’s right if you keep switching things up.

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