I started a new routine I desiigned 2 weeks ago. My original split was like this:
The new split looks like this
M Off
T Chest, Tris, Delts
W Back, Legs, Biceps
T Off
F Off
S Chest, Tris, Delts
S Back, Legs, Biceps
As I workout at home, I do two a dayers.
My only question/concern was, when it comes to tuesdays chest workout, i’m still sore from saturdays chest workout, and my chest is pretty tight. I feel that I cant go as heavy as I would like. I have a few options. Go through the motions for the first two weeks and try to raise my tolerance, or switch to a two days on two days off repeat program. Which would you suggest?
I also train very heavy my worksets usually never go above 6 reps except for accessory exercises (Flys, pulldowns, concentration curls etc.) I train with with on average 8-14 sets per muscle group, and have had good results with heavy weight, medium volume, frequent workouts. Suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hate to be long winded lol, but i just thaught up one more option. My heaviest bench day is saturday where I do doubles of triple raning from 310-300lbs. Tuesday I like to do 5x5, using around 285. What i was thinking was to use 225 for week one, 250 for week 2 and then bounce to 285 just to get accustimed to the routine and soreness factor. Tell me what you think.
There is nothing wrong with your routine. Only thing I would do is to switch up exercises and/or volume/intensity for the body parts. Change grips, change angles, and/or change the exercises you use. Work in higher volume-lower intensity, especially if the muscles are still sore. It’s ok to work sore muscles, but don’t expect them to be full strength. On those days work higher reps. For instance, if you are doing flat bench, heavy on tuesday then on saturday, do decline bench lighter (say 65-70% of 1 RM).
Anyway, you get the point…
You said you do 8-14 sets per muscle group. Is this per week or per workout? If it’s the latter, you need more rest. You are only giving 3 days of rest per muscle group.
Your split looks good, but I would keep it to 6-8 sets per workout.
[quote]Der Candy wrote:
You said you do 8-14 sets per muscle group. Is this per week or per workout? If it’s the latter, you need more rest. You are only giving 3 days of rest per muscle group.
Your split looks good, but I would keep it to 6-8 sets per workout.[/quote]
nah, it’s per workout. I know i am fully recovering as i am stronger every week than the proceeding. I haven’t plateaued since last year so my volume is good for me.
[quote]chinatownmuscles wrote:
Der Candy wrote:
You said you do 8-14 sets per muscle group. Is this per week or per workout? If it’s the latter, you need more rest. You are only giving 3 days of rest per muscle group.
Your split looks good, but I would keep it to 6-8 sets per workout.
nah, it’s per workout. I know i am fully recovering as i am stronger every week than the proceeding. I haven’t plateaued since last year so my volume is good for me.[/quote]
nah, it’s per workout. I know i am fully recovering as i am stronger every week than the proceeding. I haven’t plateaued since last year so my volume is good for me.
thank you for posting my response jack ass.[/quote]
lol that’s true he responded for you…wierd ha. well i’d personally say add an extra rest day after sunday’s workout. Think outside the 7-day restriction of the “box”, doesn’t have to be one exact cycle per week. it’ll be wierd cuz you’ll be workin out a muscle group a different day than the last cycle, but you’re just thinking of it from a 7day perspective. good luck
nah, it’s per workout. I know i am fully recovering as i am stronger every week than the proceeding. I haven’t plateaued since last year so my volume is good for me.
thank you for posting my response jack ass.
lol that’s true he responded for you…wierd ha. well i’d personally say add an extra rest day after sunday’s workout. Think outside the 7-day restriction of the “box”, doesn’t have to be one exact cycle per week. it’ll be wierd cuz you’ll be workin out a muscle group a different day than the last cycle, but you’re just thinking of it from a 7day perspective. good luck[/quote]
ya that’s what i’m probably going to do. I just enjoyed my plan because on the weekends is where i feel most refreshed for heavy lifting. i’m gunna give the getting used to approach a go for a few weeks. if im still sore as hell, ill just do the 8 day split. i also started supplementing fish oil so hopefully it will reduce the inflamation a little lol.